36 Genius Inventions That’ll Help Keep You Sane (and Healthy) While Stuck at Home

Update: With all that’s going, on a lot of our picks have sold out on Amazon. Fortunately, you can get many of them directly from the manufacturer. It’s not as slick of a buying experience as Amazon, but they’ll ship right away and are often as affordable (or even more affordable!). Hope you enjoy!

With all that’s going on in the world, we’re all finding ourselves at home…let’s just say, quite a bit more than normal.

Spending all day long inside four walls can make it harder and harder to balance your health, your work, your family, and, of course, your sanity.

So to help you look after your self, your family, your work AND your sanity, we’ve cobbled together a list of some of the cleverest inventions we’ve found this year that’ll help you make the absolute most of this strange, home-bound time. Read on to see!

Editorial Note: We review everything independently. If you make a purchase through our links, we may earn a commission.

Feel Like You’re Outside Even When You’re Inside With This Wireless Speaker that Doubles as a Tiki Torch

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Get all the cool vibes of a stylish outdoor gathering in your living room! Practical, modern, and attractive, these lightweight Bluetooth speakers can play your favorite music for up to 6 hours nonstop! What’s more, you can pair them up for that complete “surround sound” effect. Try playing your favorite stress-relief tracks or nature sounds on them; they’ll delight your ears (and your eyes)!


Have Kids? Try This GlowBowl For No More “Scary” Dark Bathrooms

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Most kids are of the dark and would prefer not to venture out of their safe, warm beds in the middle of the night when they need to go to the bathroom. But when tensions are running high like they are these days, they can be even more nervous about leaving their room (even if they really, really need to go). That’s why smart parents are using this neat device that not only makes their kids’ fears of the dark disappear, but it also prevents messy toilet misses!

Use This Aculief To Wipe Away Work-Life Balance Headaches And Migraines

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It’s a fact: Stress and anxiety are the two major triggers of headaches and migraines. And if you’ve got kids home 24/7 and are adjusting to new work-from-home arrangements, you might be experiencing more of them than usual. But now you can literally erase tension headaches and stress-induced migraines without pills and without leaving your home, using this tiny, med-free device.


Use Bondic To Finish Up All Those Tiny “Fix It” Projects, Fast

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If you have a little more downtime at home than normal, why not take the opportunity to sort out all those tiny home projects that need fixing? You know, the ones that look like they’ll take 5 minutes but end up taking 10 times as long? Well, now you can get them all straightened out—and fast!—with this dentist’s invention that can build, bond, fix, or fill pretty much anything in 4 seconds or less.

Make Any “Old” Computer Blazing Fast Again (So You Can Score A Great Work-From-Home Opp) With the Xtra-PC

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As recent events have had a bigger-than-expected impact on the economy, many people are now seeking work-from-home and remote job opportunities. But getting (and keeping) an internet-based job can be a hundred times harder if your computer is running like it’s from 1989. But now, you don’t need to worry about forking out hundreds of dollars to get a new one or get it repaired! For just $50, this tiny device will make a slow computer blazing fast again in minutes, helping you increase your chances of scoring—and securing—a great work-from-home position.

EyeQue Will Let You Confidently Get Prescription Glasses Online By Testing Your Eyes— All By Yourself

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In line with social distancing guidelines, many non-urgent health services are temporarily closing their doors, which means if your prescription glasses suddenly break or were anyway due to be replaced, getting an eye exam so you can get a new pair will be tricky. But with this MIT-patented technology, you can accurately test your eyes by yourself and confidently order new or replacement prescription glasses online.

A Million Thoughts Running Through Your Head? Fall Asleep And Stay Asleep With The Dodow

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With multiple changes to our normal routines and constant news updates, it’s no wonder many are finding it difficult to fall asleep (and stay asleep) without their minds racing. What’s more, multiple studies show that sleep is crucial in reducing stress and promoting a healthy immune system. So if you’re struggling to “switch off” at night, check out the device that’s helping over 500,000 former insomniacs get calm and fall asleep peacefully.

Seed Sheet Allows You To Grow Delicious Herbs In Your Living Room (And Minimize Future Grocery Runs)

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Looking forward to experimenting with your cooking skills but not crazy about the idea of waiting in line for hours at the store just to get a bunch of fresh herbs? Well, now you can spice up your cooking anytime you want with delicious herbs grown right in your living room! From dill to cilantro, to parsley, basil and more, this will help you grow up to $92 worth of non-GMO, fresh & tasty herbs even if you know nothing about taking care of plants.

Back Up All Your Precious Memories In Just One Click Or Tap Of The Photostick

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One of those things we like to “put off for a rainy day” is, you guessed it, backing up all our old photos and videos. But sitting for hours on end deleting duplicates and waiting for files to finish transferring… isn’t a whole lot of fun Well, these handy inventions let you back up tens of thousands of photos and videos—in mere minutes—whether they’re on your phone or your computer. So you can spend more time enjoying your memories (and less sorting through them).

The Neck Hammock Helps You Say Bye-Bye To “Screen Time”-Induced Neck Aches

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Whether you’re now working from home… or finding yourself doing more “screen time” than normal, you may be feeling some tension building up in your neck and spine. In fact, roughly 30-50% of US adults suffer from stiff and sore necks, all year long! That’s where this doctor’s genius invention comes in—just wrap it around your neck and it gently stretches your muscles and elongates your spine to help you relax and unwind in as little as 10 minutes.

Yes, You CAN Trim Your Own Hair! Just Use the CreaClip

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Endless Zoom calls with co-workers, family, and friends mean that I HAVE to do something about my increasingly raggedy hair. The next time your shaggy ends cause you to get itchy fingers, don’t reach for the scissors until you spring for the CreaClip! This ingenious tool clamps onto hair to guide scissors or clippers, ensuring you cut straight and true. Works great on bangs, layers, or even very short hair. It’s designed so you can either use it on yourself or your (very trusting, possibly desperate) loved ones! Call it quarantine-chic.

Improve Posture and Relieve Back Pain in Just 15 Minutes a Day With the BetterBack

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As I type this, I’m sitting on my couch hunched over my laptop. Not exactly the most ergonomic set-up, and I could really use a good s-t-r-e-t-c-h. If only I had the BetterBack, a Shark Tank success story designed to relieve pain and improve posture. It’s not another massager or seat cushion; instead, the BetterBack uses straps to properly align the body, acting like a reset button for your back. It’s adjustable to all shapes and sizes of bodies, so you can even share with your family members if you want to.

Protect Your Hands With Safe Grabs

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Remember when we bought every single can of soup in the grocery store to prepare for this? We’ve gotta eat them eventually. Multiple times a day, I microwave a dish and then scramble to remove it without burning my fingers. I’ve used a potholder, dishtowel, and even my own sleeves, but none of them are as handy as the Safe Grabs, which were designed for the job. Here’s how it works: Put the silicone Safe Grabs mat under the dish in the microwave. When it’s heated, grab the mat with the dish so your hands are protected, then set it down on the counter or table. Now it’s serving double-duty as a trivet or placemat! Dishwasher safe, naturally non-stick, and even handy for removing stubbornly tight jar lids. I just adore this product!

Track Your Hydration on Any Bottle, Glass, or Mug With the Versatile Ulla

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We all know that drinking more water is a vital step toward better health, but sometimes it’s hard to remember to hydrate when you have so much else to worry about. I thought about getting one of those water bottles with encouraging messages printed on it, but the problem is that I actually prefer drinking water out of a glass. I also want credit for my cups of herbal tea! That’s why the Ulla is the perfect gadget to track hydration. The sleek little device straps onto any drinking vessel and uses motion sensors to keep track of how often you take a swig. It also lights up when it’s been a while to give a visual reminder to keep drinking. Bonus: It comes in lots of fun colors and cute designs!

Get Peace of Mind With the smartDOT

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Since we’re stuck at home all day, some people are worried about increased exposure to electromagnetic radiation but still need to use their phones and computers. The smartDOT is designed to give such folks some peace of mind! Just stick this happy orange dot onto your phone or other devices and you’re instantly protected from harmful radiation. It might be a placebo effect, but a lot of users report feeling clearer-minded and less anxious with the smartDOT in place. And we could all stand to be less anxious nowadays.

Back Up Your Pics Straight From Your Phone or Tablet With the PhotoStick Mobile

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About 14 days into self-isolation, my phone was filled to the brim with pictures of my dog. That day will come for all of you if it hasn’t already, and when you fill up your phone’s capacity with photos, you’ll have two choices: delete or invest in storage. Obviously, I’m going to recommend that you keep every precious shot of your lunch and cats and dogs and babies and cute pajamas, which means you need a storage solution! Enter the PhotoStick Mobile, the easiest and most affordable solution I’ve found for saving photos directly from your phone or tablet. Just plug it in and back ’em up–there’s enough room for 60,000 photos and videos to be safely stored!

The KeySmart Is The Best Keychain for Your Morning (Socially-Distant) Jogs

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Simply screw your keys into place and you’ll end up with something that looks like a Swiss army knife (except instead of knives, it’s keys). You can also add accessories like a bottle opener, thumb drive, or flashlight, turning the entire thing into a handy multitool. No more jangling! Your workout clothes will thank you.

Get a Zoom-Ready Glow With the Lure Essentials Glam Facial Cupping Set

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In romance novels, sometimes the heroine pinches her cheeks to cause a natural blush and freshen her face. I tried it and was unimpressed. I’m a lot more interested in cupping, which has been around nearly as long as pinching and seems to have much better results! The Lure Essentials Glam Facial Cupping Set includes cupping tools in various sizes along with facial oil that helps the cups glide smoothly over the skin. Cupping increases blood flow and results in an instantly freshened look that’s perfect for selfies or video-chatting.

Pick Up All the Tiny Things You Drop With the 3-in-1 ODii

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The other day, I dropped my lipstick and saw, to my great sadness, that it rolled right under that one part of the sofa I can never reach. I still haven’t retrieved it, so it’s high time I invest in some serious gadgety help in the form of the ODii! The super-clever 3-in-1 design includes a magnet, LED light, and grabby tool so you can reach and collect dropped items. The ODii holds up to 10 pounds (wow!) with the 19-inch retractable arm.

ScreenKlean Is The World’s Most Advanced Screen Cleaning System

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We’re all spending a TON of time on our gadgets while stuck at home, but how many of us actually invest in decent products to keep them clean? I know my own iPhone is covered in seemingly permanent smudges. Good news: You don’t have to spend a lot of money to find a great way to keep your devices smudge-free. The genius-level innovators behind ScreenKlean created an “intelligent” carbon molecule that attracts and lifts away any and all traces of grime. That’s right — not only will it wipe away the grease and grime, ScreenKlean will also wipe away any and all built-up bacteria on your phone. And considering where so many people use their phones for reading and entertainment, that seems like a pretty good idea.

Peeps Are The Simplest (and Greatest) Solution to Smudges

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I don’t know how it happens, but every time I look at my lenses, they’re smudged beyond recognition. And if I don’t happen to have a microfiber cloth nearby, I’m forced to suffer through the smudges. That’s where Peeps come in! You can use either the retractable brush to clean off dust and fuzzies, or the unique tweezer-esque polishing pads to wipe away smudges and grime without leaving any smears behind. It uses carbon molecular technology to clear away oils, dirt, and dust (the same cleaning technology used in space!). If it’s good enough for NASA, it can probably handle anything you’re going to throw at it.

You’ll Never Lose Anything Again With the XY Find It

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Somehow I’ve lost more things staying at home than I did living my normal life. This coin-sized tracker is one of my favorite gadgets I’ve found in a long time (and I’ve written about a LOT of products). Just place the XY Find It on your keys, in your purse or in your wallet, on your dog’s collar — attach it to anything you don’t want to lose, and you won’t lose it! The included app allows you to track down all of your most prized possessions. It displays your distance from the lost item and sounds an alarm so you can pinpoint its exact location.

No More Stinky Shoes With These Odor-Absorbing StankStix

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My family and I have been taking a lot of walks lately, so there’s a row of sneakers by the front door giving off a not-so-fresh smell. I’m in desperate need of an odor-busting solution, preferably one that’s non-toxic and free of icky fake-floral scents. In other words, I need these StankyStix! They have everything I want, including all-natural materials that absorb moisture and odors. No cloying scent, no weird chemicals. I also love the shape that works perfectly in a pair of shoes and can’t get split up like a pair of wayward socks.

See What’s Behind You With the Type S Parking Sensor

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Essential workers need to stay healthy and on-the-go more than ever. Drive safely and park better with the wireless, solar-powered Type S Parking Sensor, which lets you know if there’s something behind your car. Install the sensor on the back of your car (no wiring required), then use your phone to check the sensors. You’ll get both audio and visual alerts when objects are detected up to four feet away.

This Genius Device Will Tell You What is Wrong With Your Car

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And while you’re at it, make sure your car isn’t going to go kaput on your way to that essential job! Enter FIXD — it’s an awesome, inexpensive little diagnostic tool that can really ease your worries about your car. Simply plug the small device into your cars OBD port and pair with the phone app. In a matter of seconds, FIXD will automatically start telling you why your check engine light is on…and whether it’s actually something serious. It’ll even tell you the consequences of continuing to drive with the issue, along with a host of other vehicle-specific data. It’s kind of incredible.

Convert Your Old Photos, DVDs, and VHS to Digital iMemories

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Several years back, my parents entrusted me with a box of old photos, film negatives, and VHS tapes filled with family memories going back three generations. What a treasure trove! A treasure trove that is currently collecting dust in a closet. Oops. This is a perfect time to finally tackle that project! What I really need is a service like iMemories, which makes it ridiculously easy to convert all those precious documents to digital files. Send everything in the box they provide, and after uploading and categorizing your stuff, they safely return your originals. The end result is an amazing collection of neat and tidy digital files that are not only easy to share, but will stay safe forever.

The LadyCare Magnetic Device Designed to Relieve Symptoms of Menopause

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I was recently rather startled to learn that menopause isn’t one sudden event in a woman’s life, but actually a gradual set of changes that can take place for up to 10 years as the body adjusts. Along the way, women may experience hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and lots of other super awesome symptoms. What a journey. To help, there are medications and therapies, and also some devices on the market that might be worth a try. One is the LadyCare, which is a magnetic device you wear down there. Some users have reported quite a bit of relief from it.

The FlexSafe Is a Lightweight Safe You Can Bring Anywhere!

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FlexSafe is a popular, portable safe that can be securely locked around pretty much any fixed object. It’s made from five layers of slash-resistant material and includes RFID blocking material to keep your digital assets as secure as your physical ones. It’s also water-resistant, so all your money, jewelry, and gadgets are protected against both would-be thieves and water damage. I’m not saying you have to store your Purell in this thing but it couldn’t hurt.

Plug in the Handy Heater for Instant, Cozy Warmth

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‘Cold hands, warm heart’, my mom used to say. I’d prefer to change it to ‘cold hands, so get me a teeny-tiny space heater of my very own!’ I’m used to seeing space heaters designed to fit under the desk or in a corner of the room, but they tend to be bulky and get in the way. That’s why I’m so excited about the new Handy Heater, which is petite in size but impressive in power. Plug it into any regular electrical outlet, set the desired temperature, then enjoy the warmth.

Remove Computer Viruses Safely and Easily With the Fix Me Stick

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This Fix Me Stick is like a vaccine for your computer. It’s just about the easiest way to make sure your machine is virus-free and running as smoothly as possible. Use it once a month to detect malware and clean your hard drive of any lingering viruses. It includes free, dedicated technical support to help with any troubleshooting.

Measure 17 Health Markers With the FitTrack

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It can be tough to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle these days, but with the FitTrack you can record and monitor your health in the smartest way possible. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or simply maintain fitness, this device helps you monitor progress and achieve your goals. Yes, it will tell you what you weight–but that’s just the beginning! In fact, the FitTrack measures 17 health factors, including body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, hydration level, and so much more. It recognizes up to 8 separate accounts, so everyone in the family can use it.

Charge Your Devices From That One Spot On The Couch With No Outlets Nearby With the Versatile ChargeHubGo+

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Portable chargers are a must-have item! Even while at home, I always seem to be sitting just far enough from every outlet to leave me power-free. Keep your devices fully charged with this ChargeHubGo+. The slim design makes it easy to slip into a pocket. When it’s time to charge, use it as a wireless charging pad or with a cord. You can even charge multiple devices at the same time!

This VIZR Adds a “Heads Up Display” To Your Car for Cheap!

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Although none of us will be taking any Great American Road Trips anytime soon, if you’re like me, you’re already planning 100 post-lockdown trips. Add this to your list! VIZR adds a heads-up display to any car, utilizing a patented technology that pairs with your smart-phone. Using a specially engineered translucent display, the VIZR offers a safe, clear windshield view of your smartphone’s GPS, day or night! It’s almost like you’re driving in the latest video game with a HUD (heads-up display), only in real life. Plus, it keeps your hands free and your eyes on the road.

AirBolt is the Tiniest Smart Lock on the Market

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And finally, when you’re planning all those trips, add this TSA-approved smart lock that’s perfect for using anywhere you need to keep your bags safe and secure. It started as a huge Kickstarter hit that’s now available to the rest of us! Opening the lock is as simple as swiping on your phone. You can even track your luggage in real-time with the AirBolt, and it’ll notify you if anyone is tampering with your luggage. The future is here!