36 Things I Bought on Amazon and Would Buy 100X Again

Update: With all that’s going, on a lot of my picks have sold out on Amazon (or they’re taking forever to ship). Fortunately, I found most of them you can get many of them directly from the manufacturer. It’s not as slick of a buying experience as Amazon (kind of cheesy actually), but they’ll ship right away, and are often as cheap (or cheaper). Hope you enjoy!

I’m kind of a sucker for nifty gadgets. There’s just something so satisfying about finding the tool that will solve all of your problems…or at least help you do a very specific task much more efficiently. After all, life’s too short to use subpar products that take forever! If there’s a gadget that will make life easier, then you can rest assured that I will buy it and have it handy for the next time I need it. I’m all about trying to make life as simple and stress-free as possible!

Luckily for me (and you!), the Internet is filled with incredible, handy gadgets, from a flexible safe you secure pretty much anywhere, to the most ingenious keychain on the market. Keep scrolling to discover the 36 things I bought on Amazon that I would buy 100 times over again.

Editorial Note: We review everything independently. If you make a purchase through our links, we may earn a commission.

This Dodow That Actually Helps Me Sleep

  via : GiddyUp  

I’ve always had an extremely tough time falling asleep. I just can’t seem to shut off my brain, and always end up tossing and turning for hours while I worry about every possible thing that could ever happen and remember every embarrassing thing I’ve ever said or done. This Dodow is basically like a mute button for your brain. All you do is turn it on, breathe along with the glowing halo it projects on your ceiling, and suddenly you’re fast asleep.


This ODii That Gets Into Hard-To-Reach Places

  via : GiddyUp  

The other day, I dropped a lipstick in my car and saw, to my great sadness, that it was wedged between the seats where my hand won’t fit. Luckily, I had recently bought this ODii after hearing about it from a friend and tried it out immediately. It worked! This nifty gadget uses a 3-in-1 design that includes a magnet, LED light, and grabby tool so you can reach and collect dropped items. It can even hold up to 10 pounds!

This CreaClip That Somehow Makes Cutting Your Own Hair A Good Idea

  via : GiddyUp  

I know what you’re thinking: Cutting your own hair is never a good idea. I thought the exact same thing until I tried cutting it with this CreaClip and my world was forever changed. I bought this thing in an effort to get rid of my split ends but avoid paying $80 at the salon every few weeks. Shockingly, my hair turned out just as well as it does (if not better) than it does when it’s cut by a professional. I may never go to the salon again!


This Type S Parking Sensor That Lets You See What’s Behind You

  via : GiddyUp  

Okay, I’ll admit it: I am not a great driver. I’ve been in my fair share of fender benders, and if I’m put in a situation where I’ll have to parallel park I usually just take the bus. But since I discovered this Type S Parking Sensor, I actually feel confident behind the wheel for the first time in…well, ever! It uses solar-powered sensors so I can easily see what’s behind me; no backup cam required!

This Genius Device That Tells You What’s Wrong With Your Car

  via : GiddyUp  

Every time my check engine light comes on, I have a mini panic attack. How much is it gonna cost me this time? Can I safely get to a mechanic, or is something seriously wrong? Enter FIXD, which is an awesome, inexpensive little diagnostic tool that can really ease your worries about your car. Just plug it into your cars OBD port and pair with the phone app. In a matter of seconds, FIXD will automatically start telling you why your check engine light is on…and whether it’s actually something serious.  

This FlexSafe That’s a Lightweight Safe You Can Bring Anywhere

  via : GiddyUp  

I’m a huge worrier and like to be prepared for every worst-case scenario. So when I first found out about this FlexSafe, I bought it immediately and have already used it several times since it arrived. It’s a portable, slash-proof, waterproof safe that allows me to keep my valuables safe no matter where I am. I love bringing it to the beach so I can leave my stuff to swim without constantly having to go back and check on it.

This PhotoStick Mobile That Lets You Backup Your Photos From Your Phone

  via : GiddyUp  

I have a 10-month old son, so, as you might imagine, my phone camera is completely filled with baby pictures. My husband has been warning me for a while now that I’m going to run out of capacity, and the other day, it finally happened. Good thing I decided to try out the handy and affordable PhotoStick Mobile, which makes it ridiculously easy to save photos directly from my phone or tablet. There’s enough room for 60,000 photos and videos!

This GlowBowl That Makes Nighttime Bathroom Trips a Soothing Experience

  via : GiddyUp  

I get up to use the bathrooms roughly 20 times per night. And before I bought this GlowBowl, I had two options: Try to find my way in the dark and risk breaking my neck or turn on the light and blind myself. Not anymore! Now I get to enjoy a soft, relaxing light that turns on automatically through a motion sensor. Plus it has a built-in air freshener! Game-changer!

This KeySmart That’s The Best Keychain on the Market

  via : GiddyUp  

If you’re a key hoarder like I am (seriously, why do I have all these keys? And why can’t I bring myself to get rid of any of them?) you need this KeySmart. I seriously can’t believe I’ve gone so long without it. I just screw all of my keys into it and it basically becomes a Swiss Army Knife that opens all your doors.

These Lens Cleaners That Remove Smudges Like Magic

  via : GiddyUp  

I’ve had reading glasses for years, but have only just recently started to actually wear them when I read or work on my computer. One of the main reasons why I avoided them for so long is because of those pesky smudges that I could never seem to get rid of. But then a friend told me about these nifty Peeps, which are lens cleaners that actually work,  and now I have zero excuses not to wear my glasses.

This Photostick That Helps You Keep Track Of Your Pics

  via : GiddyUp  

Remember what I said earlier about having roughly 20,000 photos of my 10-month-old son on my phone? I have double that on my computer, and I live in constant fear that it’ll crash and I’ll lose everything. This Photostick has been the perfect solution. I just plug it into a USB port and it automatically finds and backs up every single photo on my laptop.

This VIZR That Transports Your Car Into The Future

  via : GiddyUp  

My husband is obsessed with any product that seems cool and futuristic, even if it doesn’t actually do anything helpful. This VIZR definitely delivers on its promise while also making your car seem much more expensive than it actually is. It projects a transparent heads-up display on your windshield so you can easily see navigation while driving. Even I have to admit that this thing is extremely cool.

The Neck Hammock That Finally Cured My Sore Neck

  via : GiddyUp  

I’ve been a sloucher my whole life, and over years of working in front of a computer screen has only made it worse. The result? A constantly sore, stiff neck that makes me feel like I’m about 20 years older than I actually am. The solution? This Neck Hammock, which uses cervical traction to help relax spasming neck muscles and make you feel better in 10 minutes or less. Trust me, it works!

This Bondic That Can Fix Basically Anything

  via : GiddyUp  

My husband heard about this Bondic welding kit from a co-worker who brought it into the office to fix a part of his computer that had fallen off. Naturally, my husband had to have one too, and now everything in our house that has been in need of repair for ages is magically fixed. This stuff can fill, bond, and repair practically anything. I especially love how it restores frayed phone chargers in an instant.

This XY Find It That Makes Mornings Less Stressful

  via : GiddyUp  

My husband is extremely absent-minded, and every single morning without fail he runs around the house frantically looking for his car keys, his wallet, his phone, and whatever else he needs before going to work. I finally got sick of it and ordered him this XY Find It, which attaches to whatever you don’t watch to lose and uses your smartphone to track it. Genius!

This ScreenKlean That Sends Smudges Packing

  via : Amazon  

I’m terrible at remembering to clean my smartphone, and by the time I do, it’s usually so covered in smudges that the special screen-cleaning rag basically does nothing.   After searching for a product that could actually get the job done, I found this ScreenKlean device, which is supposed to be “the future of screen cleaning”. I was skeptical, but trust me on this one, it works. A month’s worth of grime is gone in an instant!

This AirBolt That’s The Tiniest Smart Lock On The Market

  via : GiddyUp  

I’m a freelance writer, so I travel as much as possible and just work from wherever I end up. Because I’m always living out of a suitcase, I’ve been looking for a luggage lock that would be easy to use and keep my stuff safe. This AirBolt is everything I’ve ever wanted in a smart lock. I can control it with an app on my phone!

These StankStix That Absorb Odors

  via : GiddyUp  

I have this terrible habit of wearing my favorite pair of sneakers without socks on. Who has the time to find a matching pair of socks?! The only problem? My shoes smell terrible as a result. These StankStix are the only things that have made a difference. Not only are they 100% natural (none of that gross fake-flowers smell) but they’re also non-toxic.

This smartDOT That Gives You Peace Of Mind

  via : GiddyUp  

I’m a huge worrier, so I like to keep myself and my family as protected from harm as possible. That’s why I immediately bought this smartDOT device, which sticks to your phone and protects you from EMF radiation. I hadn’t even realized how harmful this could be and how much we expose ourselves to this every day, so I’m pretty darn happy that this thing exists.

This Seed Sheet That Helps Even Notorious Plant-Killers Develop a Green Thumb

  via : GiddyUp  

I’ve always admired my friends who had homes filled with lush plants that they’d somehow managed to keep alive for years. I’ve never been good about remembering to water, and I always seem to end up either giving them too much sunlight or not enough. This Seed Sheet actually makes me feel like I have a green thumb! It comes with everything you need to grow gorgeous plants and even has an app that reminds you when to water them.

Protect Your Hands With Safe Grabs

  via : GiddyUp  

Multiple times a day, I microwave a dish and then scramble to remove it without burning my fingers. I’ve used a potholder, dishtowel, and even my own sleeves, but none of them are as handy as the Safe Grabs, which were designed for the job. Put the silicone Safe Grabs mat under the dish in the microwave. When it’s heated, grab the mat with the dish so your hands are protected, then set it down on the counter or table. I just adore this product!

This Lure Essentials Glam Facial Cupping Set That You Have To Try

  via : GiddyUp  

The salon where I get my haircut offers a “cupping facial”, which is the process of putting on oil and suctioning small cups all over your face to increase blood flow and refresh your skin. This set allows you to do it from the comfort of your own home for a fraction of the price. I bought the starter set and have already seen a huge difference in my texture and tone.

This LadyCare Device That Relieves Symptoms of Menopause

  via : GiddyUp  

Thankfully, I’m not yet old enough to have experienced the joys of menopause, but my brother’s wife is currently in the throws of it and it sounds pretty darn awful. This LadyCare Device uses the power of magnets to provide relief. My sister-in-law has insisted that I buy one in a few years when I go through the same, beautiful journey myself. Can’t wait!

This iMemories Easily Converts Your Old Photos, DVDs and VHS’s

  via : GiddyUp  

Several years back, my parents entrusted me with a box of old photos, film negatives, and VHS tapes filled with family memories going back three generations. What a treasure trove!  A treasure trove that is currently collecting dust in a closet. Oops. This iMemories is the perfect solution, which makes it ridiculously easy to convert all those precious documents to digital files.

This Handy Heater That Provides Instant, Cozy Warmth

  via : GiddyUp  

Cold hands, warm heart, my mom used to say. I’d prefer to change it to: cold hands, so get me a teeny-tiny space heater of my very own! I’m used to seeing space heaters designed to fit under the desk or in a corner of the room, but they tend to be bulky and get in the way. That’s why I’m so excited about my new Handy Heater, which is petite in size but impressive in power.

This Fix Me Stick That Keeps Your Laptop Protected

  via : GiddyUp  

As a freelancer, my laptop is one of my most precious possessions, since I would be in big trouble if it suddenly died. This Fix Me Stick is just about the easiest way to make sure my computer is virus-free. I use it once a month to detect malware and clean my hard drive of any lingering viruses. It includes free technical support to help with any troubleshooting.

This FitTrack That Decodes Your Health

  via : GiddyUp  

I’ve been making an effort to be healthier lately, which includes eating right, getting regular exercise, and using this helpful FitTrack, which is way more than just an ordinary bathroom scale. It measures 17 health factors such as body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, and hydration level. This thing motivates me to get up off the couch and get moving!

This EyeQue That Saves You A Trip To The Eye Doctor

  via : GiddyUp  

My vision has been getting worse and worse lately, but I’ve been avoiding a trip to the optometrist for a while now due to, well, laziness. So when I heard about this EyeQue I knew it was right up my alley. Now, I can test my vision and even update my prescription without even leaving my house! Plus, it’s surprisingly fun to use!

This ChargeHubGo+ That Keeps Your Devices Charged

  via : GiddyUp  

I’m horrible at remembering to charge my devices. It seems like every time I leave my house, my phone battery is down to one bar, and I have to either rush home to charge it or live with the constant anxiety of being away from home without a working cellphone. This ChargeHubGo+ was basically invented for forgetful people like me. It charges your electronics on-the-go and even works on multiple devices at once!

This BooBuddy That Stops The Bounce

  via : GiddyUp  

I’m large-chested, and no matter how supposedly “supportive” a sports bra claims to be, it never seems to provide enough to keep my workouts from becoming extremely painful. All you big-busted ladies know what I’m talking about. That’s what makes this BooBuddt such a lifesaver. It’s a band that goes around your chest over your bra and guarantees zero bounce. Finally!

This BetterBack That Cures Chronic Back Pain

  via : GiddyUp  

As I type this, I’m sitting on my couch hunched over my laptop. Not exactly the most ergonomic set-up. I’m a notorious hunched, which is why my husband recently bought me this BetterBack after becoming concerned about the future of my spine. It’s not another massager or seat cushion; instead, the BetterBack uses straps to properly align the body, acting like a reset button for your back. Plus, it’s super comfortable!

This Aculief That Prevents Migraines Before They Start

  via : GiddyUp  

I get a lot of tension headaches, and since I don’t want to pop a pill every time, I’ve been researching natural remedies. Meditation, shoulder rubs, stretching, and vision breaks all help. Another solution that surprised me was this neat little device called an Aculief. At first, I was pretty skeptical, but it turns out that firm pressure on a pressure point is a well-known way to provide relief. If you suffer from migraines, you have to try this product.

This TikiTunes That’s A Wireless Speaker/Tiki Torch

  via : GiddyUp  

Last night, I sat out on my back patio to relax and enjoy the evening air. I had a comfortable chair, a drink in my hand, and my new TikiTunes speaker. I’m not gonna lie, it was really nice! The TikiTunes looks like a tiki torch, complete with flickering LED light, but it’s actually a wireless speaker with high-quality sound and impressive bass. Instant ambiance!

This Ulla That Keeps You Hydrated

  via : GiddyUp  

Along with improving my diet and exercising, I’ve also been trying to drink more water. I thought about getting one of those water bottles with encouraging messages printed on it, but the problem is that I actually prefer drinking water out of a glass. That’s why the Ulla is the perfect gadget to track hydration. The sleek little device straps onto any drinking vessel and uses motion sensors to keep track of how often you take a swig.

This Upright Go That Improves Your Posture

  via : GiddyUp  

Here’s another handy device to improve your posture and reduce back pain: The Upright Go. It’s a wearable device designed to help you achieve better posture and sticks directly to your upper back so it can detect when you start to slump. The gentle tapping sensation also reminds me to sit up straight, so it’s basically like your Mom constantly nagging you to stop slouching.

This Xtra-PC That Gives You An Instant Upgrade

  via : GiddyUp  

My husband is OBSESSED with Linux. Whenever I get frustrated with Windows, he always suggests that I switch over to the open-source operating system, and I finally decided to give it a try. This Xtra-PC made it incredibly easy. I just plugged it into the USB port on my computer and it bypassed the Windows operating system to run a fully-functioning Linux system that’s fast and easy to use.