If you’re headed off to college this fall or returning, these dorm items are going to be absolute necessities for you. Whether you’re setting up your space for the first time, or for the fourth and final time, I’ve got you covered with some awesome choices to make your home-away-from-home feel a little closer and happier.
If you plan on hosting anyone in your dorm room, these unbreakable glasses are going to be a must. College students, even without drinking, can get pretty rowdy, and these glasses will withstand all four of your college years, and then some! You want to make the most of the space you have, so items like these over-the-sink cutting boards give you more counter space and these airtight food containers make space and keep things fresh. There’s something for all sorts of dorm occasions on this list, so be sure to give it a good scroll before you head off for the semester!
Keep It in Place

Every dorm room needs hangers and clothes storage. And these hangers are some of my favorites. Not only do they do a great job of, you know, hanging clothes, but they also keep those clothes right where you want them; the velvet coating keeps them from slipping and sliding to the floor.
Do the Dirty Work

Drains get clogged pretty easily, especially when you’re sharing a shower with someone else. This tool helps you to easily snake the drains in your dorm room so you don’t have to get your RA involved or go to the trouble of getting a work order put in.
Keep It Covered

A great rule of thumb is to cover your dorm mattress. It’s almost always been used by someone else before you and you don’t want to share germs with folks you don’t know. This cover protects you, and the mattress, from any sort of germ cross-contamination.
Raise the Roof

Or just your bed. The roof might be a little extreme. These risers will bring your bed up further so you can get a little more storage space in your dorm room, which is notoriously small. These risers are a must-have on anyone’s dorm to-buy list.
Breathe Easier

Dorms aren’t the cleanest of places, and the air in there isn’t the clearest of air. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend a fortune trying to make the air a little more breathable. This small air purifier will do the trick. And it won’t take up too much space!
Stay Cozy

Everyone should have a good blanket for their dorm room, and I don’t just mean the comforter on your bed. It’s always a good idea to have a little extra warmth available in your dorm; you never know how cold your roommate is going to like to keep it.
The Best Bath Mat

Most dorms don’t come with bath mats, so you’re gonna want to make sure you’ve got one. This is my favorite bath mat out there; it’s like stepping out onto a cloud, but it’s an absorbent cloud that won’t leave you standing in a puddle of water.
The Cuddliest Pillow
I can’t tell you how many friends I had in college who forgot they were going to need a pillow. They really don’t supply you with anything, y’all. And since you need a pillow, you might as well treat yourself to this awesome, super comfy, and plush one.
Get Yourself Out of Bed

The last thing you want to do is miss that eight am class you had to sign up for. Especially since these professors are almost always the professors with the least lenient attendance policies. This little guy is going to get you up and going first thing in the morning, no questions asked.
Get the Best Rest

You deserve the best. You work so hard. You study all night, you go to your classes. You’ve got to find a little time for yourself. This weighted blanket is my favorite way to relax and unwind after work and it would make a great relaxation option between classes.
You Need This Towel

Trust me. You need a microfiber towel. Also known as a fast-drying towel. You never know when you’re going to need a towel that can dry quickly and has multiple uses. Take this to the gym, clean up spills, or even use it in a pinch in the showers.
Stay Toasty

You’ve got to have a full bed setup, you guys. You don’t want to skimp on the important parts, and a good duvet is more than a little important. This one is going to keep you comfy, cozy, and warm, but not too warm, throughout the year.
Keep It Organized

If you’re lucky enough to have a kitchen space, you’re going to want to keep it organized. This paper towel holder will help you out. And if you don’t have a kitchen space, keep this on your desk to bring you a semblance of normalcy.
Hang It All Up

Okay, I realize that this is the second set of hangers on this list, but trust me, hangers are important when you have minimal space to work with. Most dorm rooms only have closets by way of clothing storage, and you’ll want to make sure your closet is fully-equipped and ready to go when you move in. Set yourself up for success with these great hangers.
Leave Your Pets at Home

We all love our family pets, but we don’t want to bring them with us to our dorms. Or, if you do, you don’t want to bring just their fur with you. Get yourself a lint roller to keep the pet hair at bay and to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward for every occasion.
Back to the Basics

You’ve got to have a good sheet set. Honestly, you should have at least two sets, but one will suffice. This is my favorite sheet set; it’s durable but soft and comfortable so they’re going to last you throughout your entire first year, and maybe into your second.
Bring Some Excitement

This shelf is a great way to bring a little excitement and variety to your room. You can hang it with a few strong Command strips so you don’t have to put holes in your dorm room walls (a big no-no, in case you didn’t know…know).
Make the Most of Your Space

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a dorm room doesn’t have enough space. And since you’ve only got so much space, you’ve got to find ways to make the most of it, like putting up these great corner shelves; they make the most of the most underused area in your room.
Bring Home Your Leftovers

College students aren’t known for being particularly liquid, but they’ve still got to eat! These glass dishes are a great way to easily transport your leftovers from home to your dorm room. And you can microwave your meal right in them, too. A win all around.
Unbreakable Everything!

The best way to keep the dishes you have throughout your time in university is to buy unbreakable pieces. Accidents happen, and in college, accidents are far more frequent. Save yourself some heartache and get these awesome, unbreakable wine glasses (you can use them for water, too).
Say “No” to Single Use Products

Single-use products aren’t good for the environment, even if they’re wood like your favorite takeaway chopsticks. Get these awesome, stainless steel chopsticks and use them for all your takeaway meals. Or try your hand at using them with your favorite at-home meal; it’s a fun time!
Make the Most of Your Space

If you haven’t realized it yet, the name of the game is space-saving when you move into a dorm. This cutting board makes great use of your sink, even if it’s just a bathroom sink so that you can keep yourself in freshly chopped fruits and veggies.
Skip the Coffee Bill

Let’s face it, you really can’t afford the four cups of cold brew you buy every day. Do yourself a favor and cut down on that coffee bill with this home brewing setup. You can get the very best cold brew in your very own kitchen.
Get the Kitchen Essentials

I’m going to assume you’re lucky enough to be in a dorm suite that’s got a kitchen. If you are, or you’re in an off-campus apartment, you’ve got to grab these measuring spoons so you can prep and cook for yourself; another way to save a little money, something all college kids need.
Blend On the Go

Smoothies are an excellent way to snack between classes, get a quick breakfast in, and treat yourself to something tasty, but where are you going to keep an entire blender? This blender is super portable, easy to use, and easy to wash so you can get your smoothie on anytime.
Pack It Away

It actually saves space to get your snacks and treats all packed away into containers like this. That way you can make the most of your space, easily stack things, and pack things away without worrying about squishing anything inside the normal, soft, cardboard containers.
A Multi-Use Spoon

Every kitchen should have a good spoon. If you’re cooking, you’re stirring. And if you’re stirring, you’ve got to sample. This spoon is great for stirring and sampling. And scooping, too! It’s got everything you could want from a spoon.
Top It Off

If you open a can, you don’t always have the chance to use the entire can, but you don’t want to waste all of that food and you also don’t want to waste a dish. These can sealers are the answer! No need to waste dishes or waste food.
I Mean Unbreakable Everything

You can never have too many unbreakable cups, and these cups are a lot better suited to daily use than unbreakable wine glasses. They may look like your favorite red party cup, but they won’t crack like them and they’re easy to wash and reuse.
Get a Great Cup of Coffee

French press is one of my favorite ways to make coffee. It makes a delicious cup that you’ll love enjoying so much you’ll want to share it with all your friends. And you’ll enjoy making it and showing it off in this simple, gorgeous French press.
Your Kitchen Can’t Do Without

Measuring cups are a kitchen must-have. Whether you’re baking, cooking, or just trying to scoop out some chili from a pot, these measuring cups are really going to come in handy, and they’re so great they’ll follow you from college into your first grown-up home.
Infuse Your Water

Maybe water isn’t your thing. I love water, but I know some people have a hard time with it. If you’re one of those people, these water bottles are going to be your new favorite. Use your favorite fruits to get the best possible taste from your normally flavorless beverage.
Whip It Up

I love a good milk frother, it’s the easiest way to get a drink at home that feels like it’s something you picked up from your favorite coffee shop. You can use this one for matcha, for milk, or for your favorite dairy alternative if you’re not down with the cow.
Plan It Out

You’re in college! It’s time to start planning your life out a little bit. Trust me, it’s going to save you a lot of grief in the long run if you just write down your upcoming assignments and what you’ve got to get done for the week, and this planner is the best way to keep it all straight.
Keep Your Knick Knacks Secure

Knick knacks are great, but when your space is limited, you don’t want to keep them all out all the time. These boxes are the perfect size for storing your favorite small bits and bobs so you can keep them safe during your dorm years.
Keep Up with Your Roomie

If no one’s told you, I’ll let you in on a secret; get yourself a good whiteboard, like this one so you can leave notes for your roommate, and visa versa. It’ll save you some awkward run-ins and some annoying near-misses with your roomie. This way everyone knows what’s going on.
You’ve Gotta Have It

Every room has to have a trash can. A mesh trash can isn’t great for your food trash, but this isn’t your food can, and it’s important you know that! This is great for paper, little bits, and those old, dried-up pens you can’t use anymore.