Who doesn’t love a product that solves all their problems? Okay, so there isn’t a gadget that can magically take all your bills away or clean your entire house, but there are a lot of products out there that can come pretty close. And all those little annoyances we all experience on ordinary days? You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to solve them. I’m always on the lookout for a handy product –– something that can make my life easier and simpler without too much effort. That’s the dream, right? Luckily, Amazon has tons of handy gadgets that won’t empty out your wallet. Here, you can find loads of kitchen tools, tech accessories, and innovative beauty products that will make you say, “how clever!” Get ready to click, “Add to Cart.”
This Charging Pad That Will Never Let Your Battery Die

Everyone could use a good charger (or five good chargers), so this pad is a must-have. It works specifically with wireless devices, so if you have AirPod Pros or the latest generations of iPhone, this charging pad will have you all set. Plus, since it’s wireless, it leaves the lightning port open so you can listen to music, a podcast, or watch a video with your headphones.
This Step Tracker That Works For Kids And Adults

Need a simple step tracker for your workouts? Turns out you can get one for less than one of those Jackson’s you have in your wallet. This tracker logs your activity, calories, and even monitors your sleep. It’s technically made for kids and teens, but the band can fit some adults as well. You’re never too young or too old to live a healthy lifestyle.
This GPS Tracker That Helps You Never Lose Important Stuff Ever Again

I’ve been using Tile for about a year and it’s been so convenient. Now I don’t have to worry about where I put my keys because I can use the Tile app to sound an alarm that helps me locate them. And if I leave them at the office, I can easily check the app. It’s such a relief for people who worry a lot, like myself. You can attach a Tile to practically anything –– some customers even put it on their kids’ backpacks or their pet’s collar.
This Rechargeable Lighter That’s Better Than A Match

Are you a candle lover? Me too. I have many decorative candles around my house. While I don’t burn all of them, I do have several that are specifically for scenting my home. Of course, it gets a little tricky lighting them when they’re almost totally melted. Instead of singing my fingers, I decided to get this electric coil lighter than can be charged over and over. Now my fingers are safe, my house smells great, and I don’t need as many matches these days.
This Bag Light That’s Perfect For Large Purses

I tend to be that type of person who keeps their entire life in their bag when they’re out of the house. While I love my big tote, it doesn’t have a lot of compartments for organizing small things, including my keys. So, at the end of the day, I find myself rummaging for the thing I need when all I want to do it plop down on the couch. If you’re like me, this bag light can really make things simpler, so you can actually see inside your gigantic bag when you really need to.
This Special Light Bulb That Doesn’t Need Power To Work

Blackouts are scary, especially when you have no idea when the power might come back on. Sure, having emergency flashlights or lighting candles are essential, but these things don’t actually light entire rooms. This lightbulb, however, is completely rechargeable (when you have power) and doesn’t need a lamp or electrical outlet to actually work. However, you definitely can use them in your regular lamps, so if the power goes out, you’ll still have light for three-to-four hours.
This Phone Stand That Is Perfect For Zoom Meetings

Sometimes I need to attend a meeting over Zoom or I have a telehealth visit with my doctor –– both of which require a laptop or phone. Naturally, I am concerned about looking good on a video call, which required the right camera angle. Usually, having the camera higher than your face creates the most flattering image, so this phone stand gives me lots of height.
This Egg Peeler That Makes Hard Boiled Eggs Easier To Eat

I like hard-boiled eggs, but I don’t like peeling them. Grabbing an egg in the morning for a quick breakfast or slicing one up in my salad is a good way to get protein –– if I could bother myself to crack and peel it. This handy device, however, makes peeling easier and less messy. You just pop the egg in, shake it, and the peel comes perfectly loose. Pro tip: How you cook your eggs vastly improves how well this gadget works.
This Kinetic Desk Ball That’s Great For Keeping Focus

Say what you want about desk toys, this one is actually useful. I often have problems staying focused and on task. After all, the internet is a wonderful place and it’s easy to get distracted. This little ball has grooves around the side, so when you play with it, it creates an endless loop powered by kinetic energy. It’s great for people who need something to do with their hands or fidget. It’s also very relaxing to look at.
This Pizza Cutter That Looks Like A Bicycle

I’m not a big fan of kitschy kitchen gadgets. They’re always very cute, but I don’t usually go for them in my own kitchen because of aesthetic reasons. This pizza cutter, however, I’ll make an exception for. It works exactly as you think it would, cuts your pizza clean, and looks good doing it. It also comes with a stand so it can be proudly displayed on your counter.
This Attachable Ring That Helps You Hold Your Phone Steady

It’s been documented that the way we hold our phones can lead to pain and stress in our hands. One way to combat this is by using a grip or ring that you can comfortably wrap your hands around without straining. This little ring not only looks cute on your phone and is easy on your hands, but it can also fold flatter than those pop-up grips, so your phone can still fit easily in your pocket. It can also double as a phone stand.
This Face Scrubber That’s Gentle And Effective

This silicone scrubber is just as gentle and effective as those high-end brands. It has little silicone nubs that scrub your pores without scratching or damaging your skin and sends a high-frequency sonic pulse to help remove dirt, makeup, and oil. Plus, it’s totally waterproof, so you can use it in the shower to help exfoliate other parts of your body as well.
This Handy Grip That Helps You Open Any Jar

I don’t like to admit it, but yes, sometimes I need help opening a jar. While my partner can easily (and happily) do it, I prefer to be self-sufficient. This gripper is perfect for stubborn jars, or for anyone who has a lighter grip, arthritis, or anything that affects their hands. It can also be used on lots of different sized products, so you can use it for soda bottles, condiments, and more.
This Bag Stand That Makes Food Prep A Breeze

Here’s the thing about gallon-sized freezer bags: They can be great and space-saving, but transferring certain food items into them can be a disaster waiting to happen. Case in point: I often make large batches of spaghetti sauce. Way more than we can possibly eat in one sitting. So, I save the sauce in a large, sturdy bag so I can freeze it for later. But this plan has not always gone well, and I have been left with sauce splatter to clean up. This bag stand changed all that.
This Shirt Folder That Makes Folding So Much Easier

I would love to have my laundry magically folded after coming out of the dryer, but that’s just not in the cards. While I like to think of myself as pretty neat with my folding, it can just be exhausting to fold so many shirts at once, so I’ve gotten sloppy with it occasionally. This folder makes the job way easier. Just lay the shirt flat, use the board to fold it over, and you’re left with a clean and neat result.
This Wine Holder That Is Made For A Relaxing Bath

It may seem cliche, but relaxing in a bubble bath with candles and a glass of wine is just nice. As a natural worrier, a hot bath is a great way for me to escape from the world, enjoy some quiet time, and just unwind. And yes, sometimes I enjoy a glass of rosé too, though I’m always afraid of dropping it in the water or, worse, on the floor. This holder snaps onto your bathroom tiles and secures it in place, so your bath is truly worry-free.
This Glasses Cleaner That Keeps Your Lenses Smudge Free

There are some days when my glasses just cannot get clean. No matter what I do (hand soap and water, paper towels, a lint-free cloth, you name it), they can still end up smudgy. That is doubly so for when I try to use my shirt to clean them because oils from our fingers can still get on those lenses depending on what material we use. This handy gadget, however, keeps your fingers away and wipes your lenses clean without the frustration.
This Fire Starter That’s Perfect For Camping

If you’re an outdoorsy person, forgetting to bring matches with you can be a pain. There’s a lot to pack while you camp, so tiny items like that can usually fall by the wayside. This fire starter device can easily be attached to your keys or bag (don’t worry, they won’t randomly start a flame), so you never get caught without a campfire. It can also be used over and over, so it eliminates trash from spent matches.
This Pineapple Corer That Makes Summer Fruit Salad Truly Possible

I love pineapples, but I usually buy them pre-cut, which can be expensive and wasteful. But pineapples are notoriously one of the hardest fruits to cut –– right up there with watermelons and mangoes. This device, however, is a game-changer. It’s specifically designed to cut out the core and spikey skin, leaving you with nothing but a perfect cylinder of fruit to eat alone, put in fruit salad, or add to white sangria.
These Clawed Gloves That Make Gardening Way More Fun

Suddenly, I understand why my dog loves digging in the yard so much. If you don’t love using gardening tools, for any reason, these gloves should solve that problem. You can simply use your hands to plant flowers, shrubs, and vegetables as you please thanks to their claw-like fingers. They’re also especially useful for ground that is a little too hard for a hand trowel to get through.
These Flashlight Gloves That Will Keep You Safe At Night

I personally don’t run or ride my bike after sundown, but for my partner, that’s the best time of day for him. Naturally, I am concerned about careless drivers or him tripping over a bad piece of sidewalk, so I got these gloves to help him see his environment at night. And, more importantly, help others see him. These gloves have a flashlight along the index finger, make it great for runners, bikers, or people who spend time outdoors. They can also be handy seeing into tight spaces around your home.
This Motion-Detecting Underbed Light That Will Light The Way In The Middle Of The Night

Whether you have to get up in the middle of the night or just wake up before the sun starts to shine, this light can be a lifesaver. Well, maybe not your life, but it can certainly save you from tripping or stubbed toes. I noticed my bed in a hotel I stayed at once had a motion-detecting light and I thought it was very clever. So, naturally, I was happy to see that I could put one on my own bed for a nominal amount of money.
These String Lights That Have Clips To Hang Your Photos On

I love string lights in general, but they’re even better if I can use them for a second purpose. This string of lights also has tiny clips on it, so you can attach your snapshots, printed Instagrams, or family photos to them –– making it a great piece of decor and home lighting. But they’re not just good for your home, you can also use them for weddings, parties, or seasonal decoration. Attach some cute ornaments for an adorable holiday display.
This Reading Light That Won’t Disturb Others

I normally use my Kindle at night when I can’t sleep, but that can not only be disturbing to my partner (bright screen), it can also limit my reading materials just to what I download on my tablet. And I have so many books on my shelf that are left neglected. This reading light is great for working or reading late and night and you don’t want to interrupt someone’s sleep schedule. It also loops around your neck, leaving your hands totally free.
This Cast Iron Pan Handle That Saves You From Accidental Burns

Pretty much every cast iron pan owner has burned their delicate fingers on its ripping-hot surface. As great as these pans are for making a delicious dinner (seriously, get one), they can be dangerous in a busy kitchen. While we can’t prevent accidents around the base of the pan, we can stop you from hurting your self on the handle. This silicone grip goes around your handle to absorb heat and keep your digits safe.
This Portable Speaker That’s Beautiful And Powerful

I’m fascinated by tiny tech. I’m always amazed by how tech accessories seem to be getting sleeker and smaller while also getting more powerful. That is the case with this itty-bitty speaker. It’s perfect for travel, taking with you on a picnic, or as a backup speaker for your home. I especially like having a small speaker in the bathroom so I can listen to music or the news while I’m in the shower.
These Cozy Headphones That Are Awesome For Sleep Or Cold Days

I am a person who likes to listen to music while falling asleep, but that doesn’t always work for my partner. Until I found these headphones, I decided to just cope with the whir of my table fan instead of some soothing piano music because my earbuds were just not comfortable. These headphones, however, fit over the ear and are made of a soft material, so it’s easy to fall asleep in them. They’re also handy for running outside on cold days.
This Chopper Spoon That Makes Sauteéing And Mashing A Breeze

Sauteéing ground meat for a stir fry, meat sauce, or any other recipe can be a pain. Breaking it up with a spoon before it’s fully cooked is kind of a struggle, and a little sticky because the spoon often isn’t enough to get those little crumbles you need. This tool, however, easily chops and mashes as you cook thanks to its patented design. It’s also good for mashing fruit and mixing drinks.
This Lip Balm Holder That Attaches To Your Key Ring

No more lost lip balms. This strong holder keeps your Chapstick in place and easy to find. It attaches to any key ring and has a line that stretches far enough to let you moisturize your lips and then let it zip back into place. I can’t tell you how many lip balms I’ve lost over the years. But that was the old me. The new me always knows where lip hydration is available.
This Microneedle Roller That People Rave About

You don’t need to go to the spa to get a microneedle treatment. This roller is beautiful enough to display on your bathroom counter, but it also has perfectly crafted needles for prepping your skin for creams and serums. Many happy customers have raved that microneedling has seriously helped their skin. Pro tip: Always disinfect your roller with a solution of alcohol to combat irritation and keep bacteria away.
This Batter Dispenser That Levels Up Your Pancakes And Cupcakes

Pancakes, cupcakes, whatever –– making anything that is small or perfectly round is harder and messier than it sounds. This dispenser, however, makes it easy. Simply pour your batter mixture into the dispenser, hold it directly over your pan or griddle, and press the handle. Ta-da! You have complete control over your batter, so you have rounder pancakes and perfectly dispensed cupcakes, with no splatters, runs, or mess to clean up later.
This Innovative Tool That Makes Slicing Tomatoes Way Simpler

Cutting onions, carrots, cucumbers, you name it, it’s pretty easy and straightforward. But the one thing I’m never very good at is slicing tomatoes, especially if I want thin rounds for a sandwich or burger. When I found this tool, I was intrigued. It looks like a pair of tongs, which you can use to grip the tomato, but it also has empty spaces that allow you to slide your knife through with ease. It also saves your non-working hand from any potential cuts.
These Toaster Bags That Help You Make Toasty Sandwiches At Home

Who doesn’t love a good sandwich on toasted bread? But of course, there’s one drawback, because it’s not possible (or recommended) to toast your entire sandwich at once to get that sandwich shop finish. Sure, it’s definitely not the worst thing in the world, but if you knew you could make a better sandwich, why wouldn’t you? These toaster-safe bags make it easy to toast your bread, melt your cheese, and heat up your lunch easily with no mess. They’re also reusable.
These Magnetic Measuring Spoons That Stay Organized In The Drawer

Real talk: My utensil drawer is almost always a mess. No matter how I organize it, it just ends up in chaos after a few days. One thing that makes it super hard to keep neat is because I have measuring spoons that spill out all over the drawer, making it hard to find certain measurements. These magnetic spoons, however, are so neat and tidy, so I can find my tiny quarter-teaspooon just as easily as the tablespoon. They also look totally professional.
This Bag Cinch That Keeps Your Bread Fresh

Of all the foods out there, I think bread gets wasted in my home most often, which is why I rarely buy those big loaves. Still, having some whole grain toast in the morning is something that I miss, so occasionally I breakdown and buy a loaf, only to have half of it growing mold by the end of the week. The problem? The bag is never sealed enough. Now that I’ve started to use this bag cinch tool, my food stays way fresher. And it’s good for any open-bag item, like chips or popcorn too.
This Cable Organizer That Finally Frees You Of Tangles

USB cables and headphones both have the same problem: They’re always tangling up in your bag or pocket. I’ve tried a lot of solutions for this, but the best one I’ve found is by using a simple organizer, like this one, that you can neatly wrap your cable in and have it stay that way until you’re ready to use it again. It also just helps me tidy up all the cables around my desk, even while I’m using them.
These Cable Protectors That Are Too Cute Not To Use

Any tech user, especially Apple users, know this truth: Eventually, the end of your charger cable will start to split and get frayed. This is pretty natural, since we use these products every day, but it’s also totally preventable. These adorable little creatures fit over any cable and protect the end from getting too bent out of shape, so the cord stays useful for a longer period of time compared to not protection at all. They’re also too cute to pass up.