Gas manager John Szczecin was fired, after he accidentally put the wrong price for a gallon of premium fuel.
Mr Szczecina admitted he simply misplaced the decimal point…
The Californian gas manager of a Shell station in Rancho Cordova, told reporters he simply ‘misplaced the decimal point’
While his mistake cost the company approximately $20,000, he further revealed putting the three prices on, excluding the price of diesel.
Soon after, people began spreading the word on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, which saw queues gathering like never before…
With the price of fuel at just 69 cents, rather than $6.99 a gallon, people just couldn’t hold back their excitement.
John Szczecin took full responsibility saying: “Yeah it’s my fault, and I’m to blame.”
But Szczecin’s sister, Paula Jackson started a Gofundme campaign to help pay back the Shell station…
And it didn’t end on a bad note for Szczecin, as his sister started a Gofundme campaign – to help pay back the money the Shell station lost.
They raised just under $3,500 of their initial goal of $16,000…
Business attorney Craig Zimmerman says: “People like Szczecina are usually protected from these types of errors in legal matters.”
Meanwhile gas prices in America are surpassing $7.00 per gallon…
With Szczecina’s terrible mistake, people are still struggling, as fuel prices increase. But according to reports in the Daily Mail, president Joe Biden hopes to negotiate deals with Saudi Arabia to ramp up oil production.
But Biden’s government says they are open to relieve the rising costs of fuel if they can…
Secretary Gina Raimondo says Ukraine is to be blamed for the ‘spiking prices’. Admitting it’s a ‘brutal reality’ that they can’t do much about it – as it’s even affecting European fuel prices.