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Bill Gates Made 15 Huge Predictions 25 Years Ago And They All Came True

# Bill Gates: The Futurist Who Got It Right—15 Predictions That Came True


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When it comes to predicting the future, most people roll their eyes.  


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Vague claims from self-proclaimed prophets are a dime a dozen.  


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 But not all futurists are created equal.

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Enter Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder who made some serious waves at the turn of the millennium.

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 In his groundbreaking 1999 book, *Business @ the Speed of Thought*, Gates laid out predictions that, at the time, sounded like science fiction.  

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Fast forward to today, and it’s astonishing how many of his forecasts have materialized.  

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 With his new Netflix documentary, *What’s Next? The Future with Bill Gates*, it’s the perfect time to revisit his crystal ball.  

### A Peek Into Gates’ World

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Before we dive into the predictions, let’s set the scene.  

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 In the late ’90s, the tech landscape was vastly different.  

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The internet was in its infancy, and smartphones were a distant dream.  

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Gates, however, was already envisioning a future where technology seamlessly intertwined with daily life.  

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As a visionary, his perspective was shaped not only by his experiences at Microsoft but also by a genuine desire to improve global communication and accessibility.  

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Gates saw technology as a tool to democratize information and empower individuals.  

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 His insights were both ambitious and grounded, reflecting a deep understanding of human needs in an evolving digital landscape.  

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Let’s explore 15 predictions that have since become everyday realities.

### The Predictions That Shook the World

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**Price Comparison Sites**: Gates foresaw platforms like Compare the Market, making it a breeze to find the best deals.  

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 He claimed, “Automated price comparison services will allow people to see prices across multiple websites.”  

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**Mobile Phones**: Back then, our phones were simple bricks.  

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Gates predicted we’d carry devices that keep us connected 24/7, and he hit the nail on the head.  

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**Online Finance**: The notion of banking online seemed far-fetched.  

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Gates envisioned a world where people manage finances and consult doctors over the internet.  

**Virtual Assistants**: Gates hinted at “personal companions” that would simplify our lives, anticipating tools like Siri and Alexa.  

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These devices would sync our schedules and even help with grocery lists.  

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**Home-Monitoring Systems**: Gates foresaw the rise of security cameras that notify us of visitors.  

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He predicted “constant video feeds of your house will become common”—and they sure did!  

**Social Media**: Long before Facebook, Gates imagined private platforms for chatting with friends and family.  

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He said, “Private websites for your friends and family will be common.”  

**Smart Advertising**: Gates knew advertisers would soon track our preferences.  

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 “Devices will have smart advertising,” he predicted, and he was right on target.  

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 **Online Communities**: Gates envisioned digital spaces where interests, not geography, connect people.  

Who knew he was foreshadowing the rise of Reddit?  

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 **Project-Management Software**: Gates was ahead of the curve on digital workplace tools.

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 “Project managers will be able to find the right people online,” he wrote, predicting platforms like Slack and Teams.  

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**Online Recruiting**: He foresaw the job market’s transformation with platforms like LinkedIn, where skills and interests meet opportunities.  

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“People will find jobs online by declaring their skills,” he stated confidently.  

 **Business Community Software**: Gates envisioned companies bidding for jobs, paving the way for sites like Upwork and Fiverr.  

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“Companies will be able to bid on jobs,” he remarked, illustrating a shift towards flexible work arrangements.  

### The Verdict

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So, how did Bill Gates manage to predict so accurately?  

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A mix of keen insight, industry experience, and a vision for a connected future propelled him.  

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As we binge-watch *What’s Next? The Future with Bill Gates*, it’s clear that he isn’t just a tech mogul but a bona fide futurist.  

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From online banking to smart homes, Gates has truly transformed how we live.  

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Next time you check your bank balance on your phone or compare prices online, remember: Bill Gates saw it all coming!  

And who knows what else he might predict for the future?  

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Keep your eyes peeled—Gates is just getting started.