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Blu-Ray or DVD of Legendary 2000s Movie is Worth Tons of Money If You Have It

If your movie collection includes a certain noughties gem, you might be sitting on a goldmine.


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Ever wondered if your movie collection could be a hidden gold mine? Well, buckle up!


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Your once-neglected DVD shelf could now hold a cinematic fortune.


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With demand soaring and supply non-existent, Blu-Ray owners are cashing in.

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Physical copies regain importance as streaming platforms prove unpredictable.

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So, what types of Blu-rays are worth keeping?

Backstory time: The rise of 28 Days Later’s blu-Ray value.

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Danny Boyle’s apocalyptic masterpiece has left fans scrambling for a viewing fix.

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Streaming? Forget about it! This cinematic gem is nowhere to be found on popular platforms.

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YouTube might offer a dubious version, but horror aficionados crave the high-quality experience.

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CEX or eBay may hold the key, but be prepared to cough up around £40 for a single movie.

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However, if you stashed away a few copies, you might be in for a lucrative surprise.

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Streaming platforms snub the film, making physical copies the sought-after relic.

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Streaming services seem to be on the way out…

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This scarcity phenomenon showcases the enduring allure of physical media.

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Your beloved films might vanish from streaming, leaving Blu-Rays as the ultimate fallback.

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So, why is this Blu-Ray so elusive and coveted?

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Production halt? Limited release? Whatever the reason, it adds to the allure.

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The Blu-Ray’s rarity fuels collectors’ desires and boosts its market value.

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Fans now scour second-hand stores and online marketplaces, hoping for a jackpot.

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Quotes from fans echo the frustration and determination in the quest for this cinematic treasure.

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A dark scary concept. Of a mysterious bigfoot figure, walking through a forest. Silhouetted against trees. On a foggy winters day. With a grunge, textured edit.

The legendary 2002 zombie thriller “28 Days Later” is now a hot commodity.

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“28 Days Later” is a 2002 British post-apocalyptic horror film directed by Danny Boyle. 

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The film explores themes of isolation, survival, and humanity’s capacity for violence.

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The film is credited with revitalizing the zombie genre and influencing subsequent films and TV show.

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While the film itself is a cult classic, the scarcity of its Blu-Ray version has sent its value skyrocketing.

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“I’d trade a month’s worth of streaming for a pristine Blu-Ray,” one fan quipped.

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The Blu-Ray’s value surge signifies a shift in movie consumption trends.

And the bombshell: The true price of possessing 28 Days later.

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The revelation is clear: if you possess a Blu-Ray, you’re holding a piece of cinematic history.

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TikTok user @unkn0wns0ldier11 shed light on the scarcity, revealing a US sale at $110 (£86).

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eBay becomes a battlefield where bids soar, and the coveted discs change hands at a premium.

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TikTokers share success stories of unearthing forgotten copies and reaping unexpected rewards.

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The once-dismissed Blu-Ray now stands as a symbol of film preservation and financial gain.

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So, keep an eye on those forgotten discs; they might hold the key to unexpected riches…