Everyone wonders when the world will come to an end.
Many people throughout history have tried to predict when the end will come.

But one theory suggests it may not be too far away from us…
A supercomputer has predicted when earth will become inhospitable to mankind.

And it’s left us all feeling pretty frightened.
Conspiracy theorists have collected information dating all the way back to Sir Isaac Newton’s era, where science and religion seem to intertwine with each other to give us that one answer to the question — when will the world end?

And one answer has truly baffled the internet this week.
Newton wasn’t the only person to predict the end of humanity.

Baba Vanga, who was a Bulgarian mystic and herbalist, made several predictions about the future of mankind and when the Earth will come to an end.
Vanga is very well known for her prophecies being 85% accurate, including the disaster in Chernobyl, and Princess Diana’s passing.

Scary, right?
Despite her passing in 1996…

Many people are finding that her predictions are still coming true years after her death.
The droughts and floods in 2022.

Vanga predicted that large cities worldwide would be hit by significant droughts and water shortages. In recent weeks, the UK has experienced the driest July since 1935, and the government officially announced a drought on August 12 2022.
She further predicted the virtual reality of 2022, with people spending more of their time in front of a screen…

Which is the easiest to believe.
She believed the Earth’s orbit would change in 2023, which we have, in fact, already discovered.

Scientists have found the Earth’s Orbit has slowed down, but only affecting a fraction of time.
Vanga also predicted humans would visit Venus in 2028, Muslims will rule over Europe in 2043, and…

The universe will come to an end in 5079.
Nostradamus is another person who was full of accurate predictions.

He’s a French astrologer and physician whose prediction has greatly earned him worldwide fame.
Centuries after his death, people have credited Nostradamus for his unbelievably accurate predictions for events that have happened in history.

His greatest predictions include the French revolution, Adolf Hitler, the 9/11 terror attack, and all the way to the modern era with the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic.
According to Nostradamus, the world is bound to come to an end in the year 3797.

Vaga and Nostradamus seem to have different ideologies on when the world will come to an end.
Furthermore, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced that the Doomsday Clock remains 100 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been towards doomsday.

What is the Doomsday clock, you ask?
Every year the Bulletin meets up to determine how much metaphorical time we have to avert catastrophe for humankind.

For the second year in a row, the organization determined that insufficient progress has been made to move the hands backward. According to Bulletin, the decision does not suggest that the situation has stabilized.
“On the contrary, the Clock remains the closest it has ever been to civilization-ending apocalypse because the world remains stuck in an extremely dangerous moment,” they said.

Sharon Squassoni, a professor at George Washington University, said: “The Doomsday Clock is holding steady, but steady is not good news. We are stuck in a perilous moment—one that brings neither stability nor security. Positive developments in 2021 failed to counteract negative, long-term trends.”
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was made seventy-seven years ago by a group of Manhattan Project scientists based at the University of Chicago, after the devastating atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In 1947, artist and Bulletin member, Martyl Langsdorf, created the Doomsday Clock to signal how close humanity was to the end.
And from the looks of it, we’re getting closer…
As we all know, Sir Isaac Newton is one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known.

Of course, he was famously known for discovering gravity, but it may come as a shock to you that the mathematical genius was also an alchemist.
After his death in 1727, there were a series of notes discovered in which he conjured philosopher stone recipes and mocked the other scientist who didn’t believe in God.

Newton used Mathematical logic and religious verses from the Bible to conclude that the world will come to an end in 2060.
TikTok user @jk_ultra recently spoke about Newton’s theory about the world coming to an end in a video that has now gone viral.

She said: “Newton got the 2060 because he believed it would be 1,260 years that the corruption of the church would reign.
“He played around with a lot of different start dates, but he settled on the year 800 AD because that’s when Charlemagne would become the first holy Roman emperor,” she added.

To understand the theory — Newton argued in his manuscript that the forms of Christianity were corrupt, hence explaining where Newton got the number 1,200 years of illegitimacy, starting with Charlemagne, who was a devout catholic.
However, it’s worth mentioning that Newton didn’t think the world is going to turn into a big ball of fire, like how we all imagine it to be when the end comes.

He just meant there will be a new era for humanity.
This week, there was a new voice on the scene predicting the end of the world.

A man out there named Orrin is claiming he’s a cyborg from 2050 sent to warn humans about apocalypse!
He’s said: “We are a collective conscious and it is our collective responsibility to guide Earth from the apocalypse in 2050.”

“We need revolution. Right now, the current system, such as socio-political status, has put people who look and sound a certain way down.”
“We must change the entire institution and framework in order for us to value things such as greater good, such as society, such as the environment, such as uplifting communities.”

“We are being kept down by a corporation. They are lying to us through marketing schemes and propaganda to hate ourselves, to divide us based on gender, race, sexuality, identity and preference.”
You can see more from Orrin on Dr. Phil here.

But now, a supercomputer has offered its own predictions about the end of the world.
A consortium of scientists from the University of Bristol has plugged available data pertaining to Earth’s climate, tectonic plate dynamics, oceanic chemistry, and biological factors into a supercomputer.

Which has predicted when earth will become inhospitable to mankind.
The simulation disclosed a dramatically transformed world, reshaped by the shifting of tectonic plates, ultimately culminating in the creation of a novel supercontinent referred to as “Pangea Ultima.”

Dr. Alexander Farnsworth, one of the study’s authors, explained: “The newly-emerged supercontinent would effectively create a triple whammy, comprising the continentality effect, a hotter sun, and an increased presence of CO2 in the atmosphere, resulting in rising temperatures across much of the planet.”
In this far-off future, Earth would predominantly assume a hostile demeanor toward life, characterized by the absence of sufficient food and water sources for mammals.

The amalgamation of pervasive temperatures ranging from 40 to 50 degrees Celsius (104 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit), extreme diurnal temperature fluctuations, and elevated humidity levels would pose insurmountable obstacles for species, including humans, who would grapple with the regulation of their body temperatures.
This apocalyptic scenario anticipates that merely 8-16 percent of the landmass would retain its suitability for mammalian habitation once Pangea Ultima ultimately materializes.

However, there is no immediate cause for alarm, as this cataclysmic event is not projected to unfold for another 250 million years.
Dr. Eunice Lo, a co-author of the study, stated: “It is vitally important not to lose sight of our current Climate Crisis, which is a result of human emissions of greenhouse gases.”

While we are predicting an uninhabitable planet in 250 million years, today we are already experiencing extreme heat that is detrimental to human health. This is why it is crucial to reach net-zero emissions as soon as possible.”