A recent comedy sketch by Chelsea Handler has got Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Jesse Kelly in a spin.
Comedian Chelsea Handler is not known for holding back.

In fact, she often comes under fire for some of her more controversial material.
But a recent sketch about the joys of childfree life has really rubbed some conservatives the wrong way.

And it’s taken the whole internet by storm.
“I feel like it’s more respectable to admit you don’t want kids, than it is to have kids that you didn’t want just because it’s what society expects,” one fan commented.

“I’m betting his wife’s prescription for Xanax is much stronger than Chelsea’s,” joked another.
Tucker Carlson and Jesse Kelly totally lost their heads in a vile onscreen rant.

And it’s left the internet speechless …
Because there’s really nothing so fundamentally important as a woman’s right to choose.

As Chelsea’s viral clip hilarious depicts.
To some, there’s nothing quite as rewarding as parenthood.

But to others, parenthood just isn’t a priority!
Although you try and do the best for your child…

Everyone has an opinion on what you’re doing wrong.
There are many things that make parenthood irritating…

But there’s one thing pretty much every parent out there can relate to, which is feeling like you’re not giving your kids the best.
And there are a whole host of controversial decisions to be made around parenting.

It’s safe to say, people have some pretty strong opinions…
Like, for example, how to split duties between parents…

With single parenting being even tougher!
And modern parents have even more stresses to go through.

Technology has made the already hard job of parenting even trickier — especially as kids grow older.
There’s another big issue for parents, these days.

The highly topical issue of helicopter parenting.
It can be tricky to toe the line between responsible and overprotective.

But it’s important to foster independence and trust in your kids, to risk a serious rebellion down the line.
It often all comes down to communication.

And making sure your kids feel they can come to you with their problems will always make things easier.
Respect is another pertinent issue when it comes to parenting.

As a lack of respect is really what most fights between parents and kids come down to.
Patience is also key.

As any parent will tell you, you need the patience of a saint on some days.
The feeling of inadequacy can also bring parents down.

But if you’re trying your best, rest assured — you’re being a top-level parent!
Trying to instill discipline is key.

But, let’s be honest — it’s not always possible! Sometimes kids just aren’t in the mood to be obedient.
There’s something else that can make parenting seem scary.

That feeling that there just isn’t enough time!
Not only do days rush past when you’re super busy taking care of a little one…

But you want to treasure the precious, fleeting moments of your child’s early days (and years).
Dealing with fear is another big issue of parenting.

With a world out there that feels vast and frightening, it can be tempting to wrap you child up in cotton wool.
But you need to allow your child to experience life for themselves!

So long as they always know they can rely on you to help them out in times of need!
A lot of good parenting actually relies on relinquishing of control.

Which is, as any parent knows, easier said than done.
But making the choice to become a parent is about just that: choice.

As Chelsea Handler’s recent viral sketch, a day in the life of a childless woman, proves.
In the video, Handler shows what she gets up to every day.

Which included doing “whatever the f**k I feel like.”
However, Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Jesse Kelly took huge umbrage with this.

“[Women have] been told that they should do a career and don’t do a family or anything like that and soon you’re Chelsea Handler … and your Valentine’s Day date for the 10th year in a row is a 10-year-old copy of Magic Mike and a half-full bottle of Xanax and you’re trying to pretend like you’re happy, but you’re not happy.”
“It’s actually not her fault. She’s been lied to by a country that has lost its way.”

You can watch the rest of the rant here.
But people of theinternet quickly came out in support of Chelsea!

“Nothing bothers misogynistic men more than seeing a single, childless woman who is happy & fulfilled. It’s like they resent not getting a chance to personally make them just as miserable as they are. Sad,” wrote one.
Another pointed out: “Holy crap! OTOH, anyone watching will see the woman on the right side of the screen looks WAY more fun and sane than the two pathetic men ranting on the other side.”

A third agreed: “This is the worst thing I’ve seen on talking head TV in 2023.”
Where do you stand on the controversy?