Halloween is here, y’all. And that means parties and costumes and candy, oh my! It also means gorgeous Halloween colors — namely, orange and black. Now, some may say orange and black is a pretty dark color combo. And I would agree, but I would say it’s just the right kind of dark color combo. It’s fun and just the slightest bit spooky and it lends itself to some pretty awesome party decorations. Which leads me to…
… the orange and black party! The orange and black party is such an awesome take on a Halloween party. No pressure to dress up, unless people want to, and the only rule is to come prepped in the colors of the party. Plus, there’s less stress on you while you’re planning and decorating for the big event — no wild decorations, it’s all simple and stress-free and as easy as black and white. Well… black and orange, anyways.
Add Some Pumpkin Style

Pumpkins are quintessential Halloween. You can’t have a black and orange party, or any kind of Halloween party, without them! This light feature allows you to bring the pumpkin motif in without worrying about the rotting and the smell. And you add some lovely light to your space at the same time.
Jack-O-Lanterns Without the Flame
Flames aren’t really a party-friendly thing to have around, if we’re honest, especially if it’s a family-friendly party. You don’t want to worry about people running around and knocking into the flames and setting something ablaze. Or sending hot wax flying. Fortunately, these flameless candles give you the candle ambiance without the dangers.
Light Up the Night
Lights are the name of the Halloween game. And these lights may not be black and orange, but they’re close! And they’re my second favorite color combo; purple and orange. They give you a great, Halloween vibe without overdoing the black and orange and still maintaining your theme — an important balance to strike.
Lights, But Make Them Surprising
These lights are surprising! They look like leaves, but they’ll never dry out and crumble up like the real deal. You can hang them from your mantle, hang them from the ceiling, or use them to decorate your shelves. No matter where you put them, they’re going to complete your space perfectly!
“It’s Freaking Bats!”
Who doesn’t love bats? They’re freaking bats, after all! They scream Halloween, and scream in general, and are a great way to add a little bit of dimension to your rooms as you decorate while sticking to the color theme you’ve got going. Plus, you can give your guests a bit of a fright.
Say It Loud
Of course, everyone knows that it’s a Halloween party, but you can never over state it! The best way to bring the spirit to the party is to grab this gorgeous garland that says it all for you. And, it’s very on-theme with the beautiful black and orange color scheme.
Lay Your Head Somewhere Spooky
These pillow covers are my favorite! They’re easy to wash, easy to use, and fun for everyone that sees them. Pillow covers are one of my favorite ways to decorate because they’re easy to store when the season is over and easy to bring out when you’re getting ready and decorating.
Find New Ways to Shock Your Guests
There’s nothing like haunted toilet paper to get your guests in the Halloween spirit. It’s sure to freak out at least one of the party goers. It’s an essential item to have for any event, but especially for a party packed with people — you might as well make it a fun essential.
Make the Party Rewarding
Trophies are such a fun addition to any party. I don’t know about your friends, but mine are incredibly competitive! There’s just something about costumes and parties that brings out the monster in them all. Fortunately, I can harness that energy into the best possible costumes at my event by incentivizing guests with these cute trophies!
Add to the Memories
Pictures are such a great way to keep your memories right where you can see them and a picture wall is such a fun and easy way to make sure your guests are documenting the awesome party memories. This curtain is easy to put up and take down so you can make a quick space that’s fun and easy to use.
Keep It Cool
Parties bring their own problems, and one of those problems is keeping your beverages cool. If you, like myself, live in the southern parts of the US, you know that Halloween often isn’t as chilly as you wish it was — this awesome, zombie cooler is a fun and exciting way to keep your drinks drink-ready, no matter the weather.
Sip in Style
These cups are so fun! They come in a pack of sixty so you can be sure every one of your guests is cared for, and they’re fun and themed with awesome Halloween phrases and images. And they’re reusable so you can keep them for the next party or spooky event.
Keep It Classic
There’s nothing quite like the classics, especially the Halloween classics. From Chucky to Ghost Face Killer, these terrifying characters are a fun way to accessorize for your party and emphasis the theme. But they are spooky characters, so this backdrop is not for the feint of heart, and probably not for the kiddos, either.
Cover All Your Basics
Party sets are a great way to get all of your materials together at once without having to worry about going to various stores and collecting various products. This has all you need in it and is the perfect mixture of black and orange so you can keep it all themed.
Don’t Drink and Fly
Witches should never drink and fly — it’s dangerous! But, since I know you’re taking up the keys at the start of your monster mash, it’s safe to hang this banner. Encourage your fellow witches to take a sip of your delicious brew while they’re hanging out and enjoying themselves.
What’s a Party Without Balloons?
In my opinion, they’re far less fun without them. These balloons have just what you need so there’s no reason to pull apart various packs of assorted colors just so you can get the right ones. It doesn’t come with helium, so you’ll have to get your own or blow them up the old fashioned way.
Turn Up the Mood
If you’re really trying to get your party on, or you just have little kids that love to dance, these lights are for you! They bring the party easily and add some ambient lighting. Sure, they’re night orange and black, but they’re just as essential to a good Halloween party as the candy, IMHO.
Bring Up the Brightness
I love these little lanterns! They cast a soft glow around a room and they’re easy to move and super portable so you can move them to the perfect spot in the house, wherever that may be. They’re also great for trick-or-treating so you can see where you’re going without worrying about a bulky flashlight.
Accessorize the Halloween Way
Light up necklaces are so fun! And they’re definitely a kid-favorite. These necklaces make an awesome goody bag addition or a fun gift for your kiddos. They’re not just for kids, though, so don’t hesitate to get some for yourself if you’re looking for some fun and sparkling accessories for your Hallows Eve.
Put On a Happy Face
Or a spooky face! These jack-o-lantern faces are an easy way to handle the pumpkin carving situation without having to get knives involved, which is the last thing you want in a kid-friendly situation — little fingers and sharp knives don’t mix. But these stickers are something the kids can do all on their own with ease.
Set the Mood
There’s nothing like a little fog to set the Halloween mood. It gives a spooky edge to your space and it’s a fun way to add something a little exciting for the kids, or the parents. This is great for any party, whether it’s adults-only or family-friendly, and you can even use it again on the day itself for trick-or-treaters.
Keep It Together
You can’t have a party without snacks. Charcuterie boards are super popular, and with good reason! They’re fun to make and they’re really fun to eat. It’s true that you can do all sorts of fun stuff with the shape, but an even easier way to make your board spooky is by using these awesome toothpicks.
Make Your Party a Little Stranger
This poster is so trendy! And quintessentially spooky season-related. There’s no need to get our your string lights and paint letters on the wall when you can just tape this up on your living room wall. Plus, it’s always preferable to get your decorations up and down with little effort.
Store Your Candy in Style
These little black cauldrons are so cute! And they’re not just for candy, either. Let your imagination run wild (but you should make sure you clean them before you try putting something new in there) and go crazy using these to excite your guests while offering delicious treats and eats.
The Best Goodie Bags Around
There’s nothing quite as great as bringing home your own treat bag from a party, especially when it’s loaded up with candy. The only thing better is that these goodie bags double as trick-or-treat buckets that the kiddos can enjoy using for years to come. Nothing beats a functional goodie bag these days!
Things Just Got Stranger
Lucas and Mike and El and Max and Dustin and Steve and…. The list goes on! This banner is sure to bring a smile to the faces of your party goers, especially with how dark this season was for all of us. Maybe play “Master of Puppets” as an homage to our favorite.
Make Everything Decorative
You can’t get too decorative with a Halloween party and this dip stand is just that — decorative as heck. Everyone’s going to love this piece and they’ll all want to know exactly where you got it. It might not be black or orange, but it definitely fits the theme!
Let Me Pick Your Brain
This candy dish is killer. There’s nothing that says “Halloween” quite as loudly as candy and this candy dish is the perfect place to store it. Get your head on straight and add this to your “to buy” list ASAP! You and your guests will be head over heels for it.