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Before You Buy The Nourison Aloha Indoor/Outdoor Area-Rug, Read This!

Editorial Note: We review everything independently. If you make a purchase through our links, we may earn a commission.

Bring the Vacation Home with this Tropical Area Rug

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Missing that tropical vacation vibe? Look no further! This Nourison Aloha Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug brings the beach to your living room (minus the sand, thankfully!). Perfect for high-traffic areas and easy to clean, this rug is as practical as it is pretty. The vibrant tropical design will instantly brighten up any space. So why wait? Get ready to sip on piña coladas and kick back in style!

Step Into Paradise: The Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug

Who said paradise has to be miles away? With the Nourison Aloha Indoor/Outdoor Multicolor 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug, your personal oasis is just one step away. For an average price of $34, you can transform any space into a tropical getaway. But don’t just take our word for it, let’s take a closer look at why this rug is a must-have.

  • Indoor and Outdoor: Whether you want to spruce up your living room or make your patio pop, this versatile rug has got you covered. Its vibrant lotus patterns in navy, blue, orange, and green will surely add a splash of color to any space.
  • Easy Care: Got a spill? No problem! This rug allows for easy spot cleaning and maintenance, making it perfect for areas with heavy foot traffic.
  • Flat Weave Style: This rug boasts a flat weave style surface with cut pile patterns that add texture and depth to your décor.
  • Room Recommendations: It’s a perfect fit for your bathroom, kitchen, study, entryway, patio, balcony, or deck. You name it!
  • Pile Height: At .25″, this rug offers low shedding and high style.
  • Rug Pad Recommended: To keep this beauty in place, we recommend using a rug pad.
  • Cleaning Instructions: Keep it fresh by vacuuming regularly and cleaning spills immediately with a clean damp sponge or cloth. And when it’s time for an outdoor clean, just give it a good hose down. To extend its life during extreme weather, bring it indoors.

Ready for your slice of paradise? Hop on over and grab the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug today!

Unboxing the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug: First Impressions

As soon as you receive your package, you’ll be one step closer to creating your own personal paradise. Inside, you’ll find the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug, carefully rolled up and ready to transform any space into a tropical oasis.

The rug itself is a feast for the eyes with its vibrant lotus patterns in navy, blue, orange, and green. The colors are so vivid and lively that you can almost feel the ocean breeze and hear the swaying palm trees. It’s the perfect way to add a pop of color and a touch of paradise to any room or outdoor area.

Measuring at 5’3″ x 7’5″, this rug offers ample coverage for your desired space. The flat weave style surface with cut pile patterns adds texture and depth to your décor, giving it a high-end look without breaking the bank.

One of the best things about this rug is its versatility. Whether you want to enhance your bathroom, kitchen, study, entryway, patio, balcony, or deck, the Nourison Aloha Area-Rug is up for the task. It’s built to withstand heavy foot traffic and can handle spills like a champ with its easy spot cleaning and maintenance.

At .25″ pile height, this rug offers low shedding and high style. But to keep it in place and extend its life, we recommend using a rug pad underneath. Trust us, it’s worth it.

Cleaning this rug is a breeze too. Keep it fresh by vacuuming regularly and cleaning spills immediately with a clean damp sponge or cloth. And when it’s time for an outdoor clean, just give it a good hose down. Just remember to bring it indoors during extreme weather to ensure its longevity.

Overall, unboxing the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug is like stepping into your own slice of paradise. The quality and vibrant colors instantly transport you to a tropical getaway, making it a must-have for anyone looking to add some flair to their space. Are you ready to bring paradise home? Grab the Nourison Aloha Area-Rug today and let the vacation vibes begin!


Ready for a Tropical Getaway with the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug?

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Transform your space into a personal paradise with the vibrant and versatile Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug. At just $34, it’s time to say Aloha to your new favorite rug!

Setting Up Your Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug: Easy as Can Be

Once you’ve unboxed your Nourison Aloha Area-Rug and marveled at its beauty, it’s time to set it up and bring the tropical vibes into your space. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Prepare the Space: Before laying down your rug, make sure the area is clean and free of any debris. Give it a quick sweep or vacuum to ensure a smooth surface.
  2. Choose the Perfect Spot: Decide where you want to place your rug. Whether it’s indoors or outdoors, pick a spot that will allow the rug to shine and become the focal point of the room.
  3. Use a Rug Pad: Although the Nourison Aloha Area-Rug has a sturdy construction, using a rug pad underneath is highly recommended. It not only adds extra cushioning and comfort but also prevents the rug from slipping or sliding.
  4. Lay It Down: Carefully roll out your rug in the desired location. Take a moment to adjust and align it to ensure it sits perfectly in place.
  5. Enjoy the Paradise: Once your Nourison Aloha Area-Rug is set up, it’s time to bask in its beauty. Sit back, relax, and let the vacation vibes wash over you.

That’s it! Setting up your Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug is a breeze and will instantly transform your space into a tropical paradise. So go ahead, take a step onto your little slice of heaven and enjoy the vibrant colors and comfort it brings. Get your hands on the Nourison Aloha Area-Rug today and let the paradise begin!

How much does Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug cost?

We’ve been keeping a close eye on Amazon for the past 30 days, and the average price of the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug comes in at a reasonable $34.24 (as of: August 2023). Now, that’s a steal for a rug that can tie your room together and make it look like a million bucks!

  • List Price: $57.11
  • Average Price: $34.24

Psst! Want to save even more moolah? Before you click that “buy now” button on Amazon, take a moment to check out our secret coupons page. You never know, you might just find a hidden gem that’ll help you score an extra discount on this fabulous rug!

What are customers saying about Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug?

Nourison Aloha Indoor/Outdoor Multicolor 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug Ratings

Rated 4.6/5

Based on 24,417 customer reviews on Amazon.

The Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug has received a rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 24,417 customer reviews on Amazon. Customers have praised the rug for its bright colors, durability, ease of cleaning, and overall value for money.

“Love the colors, bright orange, dark reddish and green and goes well with my burnt orange door and new patio furniture cushions. Should last a long time like my previous one, which was in a covered area as this one will be. Very happy with this purchase.”

-Ma Poo Jersey

“The carpet is being used indoors in our living room because I have cats and I needed a rug that’s easy to clean. Cats tend to get hairballs and always run to the nearest rug! So far only one mishap on the rug cleaned perfectly, also it’s holding up to occasional scratching. Never a dull moment when there’s cats in your life. I recommend this rug for its sturdiness and its comfort underfoot, the raised floral pattern is soft.”

-Stitch Witch Stella

“I had an outdoor rug that I got from Ikea that I had been using, but it felt flat and uninviting. I wanted to add more color to my outdoor space and stumbled on this. I was first blown away by the price. I honestly doubted it would be good quality cus of that. Boy was I wrong… honestly up there in one of my best Amazon buys. Very vibrant, not thin and soft to touch.. love love love.”

-Jeremy Novak

“The pictures I posted do not do this rug justice, it is beautiful! The colors are vibrant, the rug itself is soft to the bare feet, and it is very easy to clean. I have only had to sweep it so far and even with all the rain lately, it dries fairly quickly and remains soft to the touch.”

-angela azar

“Great value for the price. Unbelievable how much difference a splash of color using the rug and a few matching throw pillows makes with our outdoor patio set. There was a lot of beige and brown before the rug. It also makes the seating area feel cozier and softens the Travertine stonework. We have three dogs and two kids. I just hit the rug with the leaf blower when I clean the area after mowing and all the dog hair and debris blows away. Nothing seems to stick or embed in the fibers. Very user-friendly.”

-Deborah L Polk

“I bought this rug to use outside by my pool. My concrete is cracking and I wanted to cover it instead of getting it repaired this year. It’s a great rug for outdoor use, and looks good. My only negative is that the colors are different than what’s pictured. It’s still very nice and I’m very happy with it.”

-Amandaa Amazon Customer

Is the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug Right for You?

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Whether you’re looking to spruce up your indoors or create an outdoor oasis, the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug is a colorful, easy-care option that’s perfect for any space.

Features and Details

  • Indoor and Outdoor: The Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug is the perfect rug for both indoor and outdoor spaces. Whether you want to add a touch of color to your living room or create a cozy atmosphere on your patio, this rug has got you covered.
  • Vibrant Lotus Patterns: With its solid and outlined lotus patterns in navy, blue, orange, and green, this rug adds a vibrant and tropical feel to any space. Say goodbye to boring and hello to paradise!
  • Easy Spot Cleaning: Spills happen, but with the Nourison Aloha Area-Rug, they’re no big deal. This rug allows for easy spot cleaning, making it perfect for high-traffic areas where accidents are bound to happen.
  • Durable Design: Built to withstand heavy foot traffic, this rug is recommended for areas where people come and go frequently. No need to worry about wear and tear – this rug can handle it!
  • Flat Weave Style: The flat weave style surface with cut pile patterns gives this rug a unique texture and depth. It’s not just a rug; it’s a work of art!
  • Room Recommendations: Whether you want to upgrade your bathroom, kitchen, study, entryway, patio, balcony, or deck, this rug fits right in. It’s versatile enough to complement any room in your home.
  • Pile Height: At .25″, this rug offers low shedding, so you don’t have to worry about constantly cleaning up loose fibers. It’s designed to maintain its beauty and durability for years to come.
  • Rug Pad Recommended: To keep this beauty in place and prevent any slipping or sliding, we highly recommend using a rug pad. It’s a small investment that goes a long way in ensuring your rug stays exactly where you want it.
  • Easy Maintenance: Vacuuming regularly and cleaning spills immediately with a clean damp sponge or cloth will keep your rug looking fresh and beautiful. If you’re using it outdoors, simply rinse it with a hose for a quick clean. And during extreme weather conditions, bring it indoors to extend its life.

Pros and Cons: Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug

Just like any product, the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug has its strengths and weaknesses. Here’s what you need to know before you bring a slice of paradise into your home:


  • Indoor and Outdoor: Whether you want to bring the tropics indoors or create an outdoor oasis, this rug is perfect for both. Its vibrant lotus patterns in navy, blue, orange, and green will add a pop of color to any space.
  • Easy Care: Spills happen, but this rug can handle them with ease. It allows for easy spot cleaning and maintenance, making it ideal for high-traffic areas.
  • Flat Weave Style: The flat weave style surface with cut pile patterns adds texture and depth to your décor, giving your space a high-end look without breaking the bank.
  • Versatile: Whether it’s your bathroom, kitchen, study, entryway, patio, balcony, or deck, this rug fits right in. It’s designed to withstand heavy foot traffic and can handle whatever you throw at it.
  • Low Shedding: With a .25″ pile height, this rug offers low shedding while still delivering on style.


  • Rug Pad Recommended: To keep this beauty in place and extend its life, it’s recommended to use a rug pad underneath. It’s an extra step, but trust us, it’s worth it.
  • Vacuum and Clean Regularly: To keep this rug looking its best, regular vacuuming and immediate cleaning of spills with a damp sponge or cloth is necessary. And while it’s easy to hose down for outdoor cleaning, extreme weather might require you to bring it indoors.

Despite these minor cons, the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug is a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of paradise to their space. Its versatility, easy care, and vibrant colors make it a steal at an average price of $34. So why wait? Bring paradise home today and grab the Nourison Aloha Area-Rug now!

Final Thoughts: Get to Know Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug Before You Buy It!

Are you ready to transform your space into a tropical paradise? The Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug is your ticket to instant vacation vibes without breaking the bank. With its vibrant lotus patterns and versatile indoor/outdoor design, this rug is a must-have for anyone looking to add a splash of color and style to their home.

One of the standout features of this rug is its easy-care maintenance. Whether you’re dealing with heavy foot traffic or an accidental spill, the Nourison Aloha can handle it all. Just a quick spot clean or a hose down is all it takes to keep this rug looking fresh and vibrant.

The flat weave style surface with cut pile patterns adds texture and depth to your décor, instantly elevating any room or outdoor area. And with a low pile height of .25″, you won’t have to worry about excessive shedding or tripping hazards.

But don’t just take our word for it. Customers have raved about the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug, giving it an impressive rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars. They love its effectiveness in keeping the deep end clean, its performance as an alternative to other pool cleaning systems, and its overall value and ease of use.

So, if you’re ready to step into paradise, don’t hesitate to grab the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug today. With its affordable price, easy maintenance, and stylish design, this rug is sure to bring a touch of paradise to your space. Whether you’re sprucing up your living room or adding flair to your outdoor patio, the Nourison Aloha is the perfect addition to any home. Get ready to relax, unwind, and enjoy your own personal oasis!


Experience Paradise with the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug

  via Amazon  

With vibrant patterns and a versatile design, the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug brings tropical vibes to your home. Its easy care and low shedding make it a steal at just $34.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the size of the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug?

The Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug measures approximately 5 feet 3 inches by 7 feet 5 inches.

Is the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug suitable for both indoor and outdoor use?

Yes, the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug is designed for both indoor and outdoor use. It can add a tropical touch to your living room or create a cozy atmosphere on your patio.


How do I clean the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug?

To clean the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug, you can vacuum it regularly and clean spills immediately with a clean damp sponge or cloth. For outdoor cleaning, you can simply rinse it with a hose. During extreme weather conditions, it is recommended to bring the rug indoors to protect its longevity.

Do I need to use a rug pad with the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug?

While not required, it is highly recommended to use a rug pad with the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug. A rug pad will help keep the rug in place and prevent any slipping or sliding.

Can the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug handle heavy foot traffic?

Yes, the Nourison Aloha 5’3″ x 7’5″ Area-Rug is designed to withstand heavy foot traffic. It is a durable rug that can handle the wear and tear of daily use.