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I Took a Poll About Glasses
Knowing I was going to be writing this article today, I thought it would be interesting to ask a few people how much eyeglasses cost. Like — “When you just think about glasses in general, what’s the price tag?”
I started with my 3-year-old just for fun. She said “One dollars.” 😆
OK, that doesn’t count.
So far today, though, I’ve also asked my bus driver, a lady in line at Starbucks, and a couple coworkers. It’s no scientific poll, but the general consensus is that glasses are about $300. And this was pretty much the price range in my mind as well.
Until I heard about Zenni, that is.

Why I Feel Free to Just Buy Glasses for Fun
A few months ago, I discovered Zenni Optical and it has revolutionized the way I think about buying glasses. As in, I can buy myself a new pair every month.
I promise it’s not as crazy as it sounds. Let me explain…
Because of the typical price point that I was used to, I thought of glasses as a pretty major purchase. So I never got a new pair until my prescription changed unless my current pair got lost or broken.
It would have been unimaginable to buy some just ‘cause I felt like it. And the idea of having more than one or two pairs at a time? No way. What am I, a billionaire? 😆
But here’s the thing, my friends. Zenni has glasses starting at the same price as a latte in Los Angeles. No exaggeration.

Their glasses start at $6.95
Yes, that’s right. Eyeglasses for less than $7. That’s actually cheaper than some lattes I’ve had the misfortune to purchase.

Does the Price Include the Prescription?
Now, I can hear your skepticism from here.
“Yeah, the frames are cheap. But then the prescription lenses are where they get you.“
But no! Their stated prices include prescription lenses. No sneaky upselling.
Sure, they have upgrades you can buy if you want to, but there’s no hidden price you have to pay to get the product they advertise. You can literally get a pair of prescription glasses out-the-door for seven dollars. No catch.
If the Glasses Are Really That Affordable…
If you’re anything like me, there’s a couple things you’ll do with this newfound awareness of hyper-affordable prescription eyeglasses. Some people might call it rationalization, I call it Emotionally Creative Financial Reasoning (ECFR™️).
First, continue making the coffee/eyeglasses comparison. If you would buy yourself one or two coffee drinks per month, why not buy yourself a new pair of glasses? Literally the same price. I’m feeling better about my choices already.
Secondly, you can take the amount you had been paying for glasses — $300, say — and you can divide that by the price of your new Zenni glasses. This will give you the number of pairs you could have for the same price as your old glasses. That’s right, you could buy as many as 43 pairs of prescription eyeglasses for the amount that you’re accustomed to paying for one pair. Even if you splurged and spent $30 per pair with Zenni, it would still be like going to a happy hour where the special is 10-for-1’s. 🥂
It’s So Easy to Have a Variety of Glasses Now

For most of my life, I haven’t thought of glasses as something I can easily have a selection of. But this isn’t the case with any other accessory. I have more than one belt. I have more than one pair of shoes. Why should glasses be different? Nobody who wears jewelry only owns one necklace or ring. So why shouldn’t a normal person have a variety of glasses that they can wear to match their mood or the occasion?
The reason used to be price, but not anymore.
If you’re the kind of person who wants a few pair of glasses. Zenni is the no-brainer solution.
Is This Really Necessary?
Do you really need glasses every month? No, of course not. But some of us find it fun. And those of you who don’t like that idea will save even more money than the rest of us. Let’s say you stick with your buying-glasses-every-two-years plan. In that case, you’re a financial genius. 15 bucks every two years?! That’s like 2 cents a day for 20/20 vision. Go you.
What About Other Glasses Sites?
Yes, there are other places you can get glasses online, and I’m sure many of them are fine, but Zenni is the only one I know of where the ultra-affordable prices they post are the real, walk-away-with-frames-on-your-face prices.
But It’s Not All About Getting a Deal
Anyway, I’ve been going on and on about the value, which perhaps isn’t fair to the quality. Because these glasses are as high caliber as they are low-cost. And their selection is, let’s just say, uh, vast. As of the time of this writing, they offer 1,572 frames.
Since it turns out that my 3-year-old who said glasses cost a dollar was closer to correct than the adults I polled, maybe I’ll get one of each. Just kidding, that would take me 130 years.
But you get my point! Lots to choose from. Not a lot to pay.
Whew, this got way longer than I meant it too. Sorry, I just get excited. Here’s the summary: Thanks to Zenni, you can buy glasses on a whim without having to be a billionaire. 😆🤷♀️
I recommend it.