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Gym Owner Kicks Out Model Filming Herself Stretching Saying It Has ‘No Place’ In Gym

OnlyFans model criticised for ‘inappropriate’ gym behavior.


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Over the years, there has been a noticeable shift in societal attitudes towards health and fitness.


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People are increasingly recognizing the importance of regular exercise and physical activity in leading a healthy lifestyle.


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As a result, gym memberships have been on the rise, with more individuals prioritizing their well-being.

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Gyms have become bustling hubs for fitness enthusiasts, influencers, and casual gym-goers alike.

The appeal of going to the gym.

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Interacting with others and being part of a community is a strong motivator for joining and regularly attending gyms.

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Having access to well-maintained equipment and professional guidance enhances the gym experience.

Social media and the gym.

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Fitness influencers, trainers, and gym enthusiasts often record their workouts to share on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

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These videos showcase routines, progress, and techniques, inspiring followers and promoting fitness businesses.

The problem with filming in a gym.

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Gym-goers focused on their own workouts may not realize they’re being filmed or included in the background of these videos.

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Tripods, lighting equipment, and cameras cluttering the gym floor can also create hazardous conditions.

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As a result, some gyms are cracking down on filming. 

OnlyFans model singled out for inappropriate gym behavior.

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Fitness influencer Joey Swoll isn’t holding back, condemning an OnlyFans model for her antics at the gym.

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Swoll, known for his “CEO of Gym Positivity” persona, isn’t afraid to call out inappropriate gym behavior.

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Recently, he took aim at an OnlyFans content creator caught filming herself ‘stretching’ in a gym.

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The video, shared with Swoll by a trainer at ONYX gym, captured the model performing suggestive stretches.

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The scene, with a man recording behind her, left trainers and clients uneasy, according to Swoll.

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Swoll wasted no time, sharing the footage with the gym owner, Griff, who promptly ejected the model.

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Griff’s swift action earned praise from Swoll, who commended him for addressing the “disgusting” behavior.

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In her post, she apologized for the incident, promising less provocative content in the future.

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Swoll wasn’t impressed, dismissing her response as sarcastic and questioning her intentions.

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He emphasized that such content has no place in a gym environment, regardless of the platform.

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Swoll called for more gyms to take similar action, urging creators to show respect for others.

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The incident sparked a flurry of reactions on social media, with many echoing Swoll’s sentiments.

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Some users called for a ban on recording altogether, citing widespread abuse of gym privacy.

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Others expressed disbelief at the model’s behavior, questioning the purpose of gym visits.

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Amid the controversy, Swoll’s message is clear: Respect the gym and those around you.

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The incident serves as a reminder to maintain decorum in shared spaces, both online and off.

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While filming workouts can be a powerful tool for fitness professionals, gyms are balancing this trend with privacy concerns and safety. 

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Swoll’s stance resonates with many who value gym etiquette and professionalism.

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As the debate rages on, one thing is certain: the gym is a place for fitness, not for filming questionable content.

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So, should gyms crack down on inappropriate behavior?