Kristen Bell has opened up about working alongside Russel Brand.
The British comedian has recently come under fire after serious allegations were made against him.

Following a joint investigation by UK media outlet The Sunday Times, and Channel 4 Dispatches…
Four women have come forward to accuse Brand of rape, sexual assault, and emotional abuse.

And now, comments made by Kristen Bell when she was working alongside the star on Forgetting Sarah Marshall have surfaced.
Now, we all know who Kristen Bell is.

While we all know her as an incredible actor, she’s also known for her adorable relationship with Dax Shepard.
Bell and Shepard have a relationship like no other Hollywood couple.

The actors are both hilarious, beautiful people who are over-the-moon in love with each other.
But the best thing about their relationship is that they’re upfront about the struggles they’ve faced and the fact that marriage is hard work.

Neither of them professes to be perfect, and while their love is definitely worthy of envy, it’s not because it’s always rainbows and butterflies in the Bell-Shepard household.
It’s because they trust each other and care for each other enough to work out their issues when they arise.

Kristen Bell appeared on Harry, where she got real about an old bad habit that Shepard wouldn’t tolerate, and the way she talks about it is seriously mature.
They can’t help themselves.

The couple got married in 2013, though they’d already been together for many years before their marriage.
In an interview with Playboy, Shepard said, “Kristen’s a good girl. She grew up very Christian, went straight to college, did great in school, and started work immediately. She’s charitable and philanthropic and rescues dogs.”

“So when we met, our backgrounds were opposites. All the things I’d done were terrifying to her, and she had a hard time believing I would ever be able to stay married and monogamous and a father and all those things,” said said.
All couples face challenges…

And it’s extremely refreshing and reassuring to learn that couples we all admire go through the same stuff we do.
In an appearance on Harry, Kristen Bell got real about those fights in the first year or so of her relationship with Shepard.

While she and Shepard have both been honest about their struggles before, it’s not every day we hear this kind of candidness from a celebrity couple.
“When we first met, we fell madly in love, and I love the dramatic exit,” Bell said.

“We’d get in a fight because we’d fight a lot, and I’d yell something and then slam the bedroom door, then I’d slam the front door, then I’d get in my car and then I’d skid out the driveway and I would sit around the corner in my car and it felt so good and I realized how incredibly toxic it was only after he pointed it out.”
She added: “Three months into our relationship, he was like, ‘You can’t leave anymore during fights. I’m not going to do that.’ I was like, ‘What?’ He’s like you can’t do that, I’m not going to have a relationship — he has a very high standard and a strong code of ethics. He was like, ‘No, I have more respect for myself — I love you — but I’m not going to do that my whole life.'”

How wonderful is it to hear that even the couple with the most perfect, adorable relationship, fought like crazy and had to learn how to communicate productively with each other?
Relationships are hard. Marriage is hard.

It’s not always singing “Africa” in Africa or making your wife lose her mind over an adorable animal. It is sometimes those things. But not always.
That is what relationships are all about, after all.

The ability to be self-reflective and adaptable is essential, not only to help build a healthy relationship but also to be a good person.
They’ve always been honest about their relationship — the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between.

More recently, the pair have opened up about her kids.
On Kristen’s podcast Mansplaining with Kristen Bell, she revealed that her daughter, Delta, still wore a nappy at 5 years old.

“Every kid is so different,” Bell said.
The forty-two-year-old mom also said that her eldest daughter, Lincoln, got the gist of using the toilet before the age of 2.

“My oldest daughter at 21 months, we merely suggested that she use the toilet in the other room and she never wore another diaper beyond that,” she said.
She added: “We were lying in bed giggling about this, my husband and I, like, ‘Why does everyone make a big deal out of this potty training?

“It’s so easy. Just tell the kid to use the toilet.'”
Users on social media had mixed opinions on the matter, and some took to Twitter to slam the mom.

“NO Kristen Bell it is NOT okay, literally ANY episode of Supernanny will tell you that’s way too old for nappies,” said one user.
“Kristen Bell’s 5-year-old daughter still wears nappies… wtf,” added a second.

However, others were quick to defend the mother, agreeing to her earlier statement that “every kid is so different.”
“My brother was still in diapers at 5, and that was all day!” one person argued.

“My mum used to say it was because ‘he keeps waving his little pecker around and p***ing everywhere!’ omg the laughs we had!
“He’s now fifty-five, married, 2 children, 3 grandchildren, so many nieces, nephews, and no nappies!” they said.

And while Kristen’s comments got quite a lot of parents riled up, Dax Shepard has got a lot of fans on his side with his…
The actor recently opened up to hosts Natasha Leggero and Moshe Kasher on their podcast The Endless Honeymoon.

Among other things, he revealed that he and Bell don’t let their 2 children have cell phones.
And they’re pretty strict about it.

Fans were quick to praise the dad online, with one saying: “More kids need this rule.”
“I wish I had this rule for my daughter. Social media and cellphones have been a huge stressor,” a second wrote.

“I think it’s great. Kids aren’t going to have any social skills,” a third commented.
Explaining their decision, Shephard said: “We don’t have a phone problem ’cause they’re not in the mix. And iPods aren’t, iPads aren’t in the mix, and video games.

“So there’s three things in my house that are not happening — those things. And they complain about it all the time,” he said of his 2 daughters.
Shepard also revealed that the pair initially “1000 percent” did not want a second child.

He went on to explain their rationale…
“We travel a lot. It’s not fair to bring this little human everywhere we go and deal with only adults,” Shepard explained, as per Tyla.

“We owe it to her to give her a playmate that travels.”
“We love her enough to do something we don’t really want to do, which is have a second, because we were so absolutely happy with just the one.”

He also explained that he didn’t want their first daughter growing up to be a “spoiled b****.”
“I needed a force of compromise and sharing and discomfort because I wasn’t going to give it to her in the other ways.

“We just thought it would be really helpful to make her a better person to have to deal with someone else,” said the star. You can watch the episode here.
Bell has opened up about her marriage to Shepard, revealing 2 words that make for a strong foundation…

The pair are coming up to their 10-year anniversary, and she recently told ET what makes their marriage so strong.
“Stay vulnerable,” she said. “You’ve gotta be vulnerable.”

Bell added that you “have to be vulnerable when we don’t want to be. That’s what works for us.”
She is also a big believer in therapy…

“Every couple of years, we’re like, ‘We’re being very antagonistic towards each other,’ and we don’t want that,” Bell told People in 2021.
“We go back to therapy and figure out what I’m not doing that’s best for you and what you’re not doing that’s best for me, and how we can serve this team goal better.”

“We just try to be honest about how marriage, or companionship in any form, is hard sometimes,” Bell wrote in an Instagram comment last year.
“You can’t always be in control, or right, and it’s important to us that we lead with the honesty of your ‘perfect match’ being a myth.”

And now, Bell has been thrust into the spotlight after comments she made about British comedian Russel Brand resurfaced online.
Brand has recently been accused of rape, sexual assault, and emotional abuse by four different women.

The shocking allegations came to light in a recent documentary exposing the comedian.
Following this, Bell’s past comments about the star have surfaced.

On the set of Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Russell Brand received a warning from Kristen Bell not to “mess with me.”
In the 2008 comedy flick, the actress played the title character Sarah Marshall, while Russell played her boyfriend.

Kirsten said in a press release back in 2008: “He didn’t try to mess with me or get in my pants. He knew I would lop his n**s off.”
Then in another interview she said: “I made it really clear from the beginning that I would sock him in the b***s if he tried anything. So he was intimidated.”

However, she also revealed that she “loved” working with him.
“I may be the only woman in the world who would shout that from the rooftops, but I did,” she added.

What do you make of her comments?