Logan Paul often has quite a lot to say …
However, he’s recently turned his attention to Oppenheimer.

Adding his own scathing review.
He even claimed to have walked out of the movie.

However, some fans have their own theories as to why Paul didn’t like the movie.
Now, Logan Paul is one of the most well-known YouTubers…

He first started sharing his videos on Vine, but soon moved to Facebook and YouTube as his popularity increased. But more recently, he’s been known for stepping into the ring with fighters far more skilled than himself…
His YouTube fanbase just keeps on growing…

With 18.8 million for Logan Paul Vlogs and 5.8 million for The Official Logan Paul, clearly, he is doing something right.
However, he’s known for his controversial videos…

The most shocking being the video that he posted showing himself finding a dead body in Japan’s Aokigahara Forest, otherwise known as “The Suicide Forest.” Many said that this would be the end of his career.
He has since apologized profusely for posting the video and for his reaction to finding the body.

The Youtuber has had his fair share of controversies within recent years and his channel seems to aim at stirring up controversy, actually. Paul’s videos include radical stunts, distasteful jokes, and the charm of what one would call, “an entitled frat boy.”
Paul’s ego is clearly way too big…

But it seems to have been knocked down a peg or two after falling victim to a scam involving some pretty expensive Pokémon cards…
Logan Paul shared on his YouTube channel that he and his friend, Bolillo Lajan San, who is also a famous card collector, met up to make the exchange.

They later traveled to verify the cards after Paul spent a whopping $3.5 million on what would turn out to be G.I. Joe cards, not first edition Pokémon cards like he thought.
They received the bad news after meeting up with the Baseball Card Exchange in Chicago, but many experts questioned the validity of the cards when he first purchased them.

In the video, the team examined the box, which appeared to be authentic, until they opened it to find Paul had been well and truly scammed.
As soon as the box was opened, Paul cried: “Oh my God, bro.” He was understandably in shock. “G.I. JOE?? G.I. JOE?!?! It could have been anything else.”

One of the authenticators added: “This is the biggest fraud in the entire history of Pokémon.”
This is devastating for Paul, as he would have made a real fortune from reselling the box. Not that he needs it…

“I’m a super positive person, bro,” Paul said. “And, I’ll always be the one to look at the bright side, and I am trying, but this is very hard.”
“It’s sad for the Pokémon community, like, how many fraudulent things are out there?” he added. “I’m grateful for the things that I have that are real now. Like, I’m picturing my Charizard in my head like, “Oh my god, holy s***, something real, something worth a lot of money that is real!”
“We got f***ed. End of story.”
However, it appears he will be getting his money back from Bolillo Lajan San…

“I have reimbursed Logan his 3.5,” he announced as per TMZ.
“However, we will see how quickly I am made whole from the sellers who brought it to me already authenticated in the coming days, or if it turns into a drawn-out scenario.”
What a rollercoaster!
Recently, Logan Paul has released some news about his career in the ring…

And we just can’t believe it.
Logan Paul officially signed with WWE…

He confirmed the incredible news on social media, posting a picture alongside his new contract.
Fans have certainly had a mixed reaction to the news…

One Twitter user wrote: “Isn’t this the guy that was hugging all over Floyd Mayweather instead of boxing like he was supposed to?”
A second commented: “Well this will certainly shake up WWE’s image as a company that no longer cares about Wrestling but instead chases what was hot and popular a decade ago.”

However, some totally disagree, and another Twitter user clearly has a lot of respect for Paul: “Imagine boxing Floyd Mayweather, starting your own energy drink company with another guy u boxed, and signing with the WWE in one lifetime.”
This move was definitely earned by Paul, after his amazing show at WrestleMania 38 back in April.

This is all thanks to his hard work and stellar performance with The Miz.
According to TMZ sources, Paul’s contract means fans will see him in “multiple events” next year, and that he will be a “superstar.”

But this week, it’s Logan Paul’s review of Oppenheimer that has the internet talking.
He’s claimed that he actually walked out of the theater!

“I didn’t know what they were trying to… What are you doing? Everyone’s just talking,” said Paul.
However, some fans aren’t too keen on what Paul had to say.

One wrote: “Would rather listen to a 3 hour video of talking then listen to him talk for more than 5 seconds.”
Another added: “I don’t think I can sit for 2 hours and listen to ImPAULsive.”
What do you think of his comments?