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Massive Blue Hole Discovered off Coast of Mexico

Many experts believe that aliens are now less the stuff of science fiction and more of a reality.


And now, a shocking discovery has shone a light on the possibility of other lifeforms on our planet…

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Scroll on to find out more…


We’ve all heard stories about the possibility of life on other planets…

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But the thought that aliens could crash land on Earth certainly seems like something straight out of science fiction.


Well, according to some scientists, it’s entirely possible.

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And they have claimed it could happen soon!

According to the University of St Andrews in Scotland, aliens could come to Earth.

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And we should have a plan for dealing with it!

“Science fiction is awash with explorations of the impact on human society following discovery of, and even encounters with, life or intelligence elsewhere,” said Dr. John Elliott, a computer scientist, and coordinator of the SETI Post-Detection Hub.

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“But we need to go beyond thinking about the impact on humanity.”

He has been setting up a new research hub at the university, dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).

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The hub will analyze evidence of alien encounters.

Plus putting together protocols for any alien invasion in the future!

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Dr. Elliott added: “We need to coordinate our expert knowledge, not only for assessing the evidence, but also for considering the human social response as our understanding progresses and what we know and what we don’t know is communicated.”

“And the time to do this is now.

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“Scanning signals of assumed extra-terrestrial origin for structures of language and attaching meaning is an elaborate and time-consuming process during which our knowledge will be advanced in many steps as we learn Extra-Terrestrial,” he said.

This is the first research group of its kind!

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Although there are some similar research initiatives…

The UN reportedly has protocols in place for an asteroid impact, but none for extraterrestrial contact.

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While NASA has done some limited research into the phenomenon known as UFOs.

SETI’s researchers wrote: “Social interest has risen considerably recently, due to the detection of thousands of planets around distant stars in our own galaxy and, closer to home, through the exploration of nearby worlds such as Mars and Venus, looking for signs of life, present or past.

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“The potential discovery of microbial life will likely raise different types of concern that would follow the discovery of intelligent life – we are as yet entirely unprepared as a species for the latter.”

Dr. Elliott said: “Will we ever get a message from E.T.?

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“We don’t know. We also don’t know when this is going to happen.”

But he also believes we are better safe than sorry…

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“We do know that we cannot afford to be ill-prepared – scientifically, socially, and politically rudderless – for an event that could turn into reality as early as tomorrow and which we cannot afford to mismanage,” Dr. Elliot concluded.

And with the recent discovery of a giant blue hole off the coast of Mexico, Dr. Elliot could be right.

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After finding the second-largest blue hole in the world in Mexico, which might offer a window into life on distant worlds, researchers astounded the scientific community.

Despite being discovered in 2021, the enormous sapphire sinkhole was just recently described in the academic journal Frontiers In Marine Science.

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The researchers, who were connected to El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Ecosur), a public research institute, claim that it is probably “the deepest known blue hole in the region.”

According to, blue holes, sometimes called karst formations in science, are essentially vertical marine caverns that were sculpted over thousands of years by glacial runoff during the Ice Age.

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The Yucatan Peninsula’s Chetumal Bay is home to the most recent cobalt cavern system, which was subsequently explored and sampled using a variety of techniques, including submarine sonar and scuba divers.

This enormous blue lagoon, known as Taam ja’, which means “deep water” in Mayan, has a surface area of 147,000 square feet and runs 900 feet in depth, according to Live Science.

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Blue holes are actual oceanic oasis filled with life that has evolved to survive in an environment with little oxygen.

Researchers remark that this lack of oxygen has the unintentional side effect of completely preserving fossils…

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This may allow scientists to identify species that have been extinct for centuries. 

In actuality, a portal to both space and time may be provided by submarine sinkholes…

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Fish fossil in rock

In 2012, researchers looking for blue holes in the Bahamas found bacteria deep inside caves where no other life was present.

This discovery may have helped close the information “gap” regarding the kinds of life that are capable of existing on other planets.

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Now that’s impressive!