I think it’s safe to say Owen Wilson has transitioned from playing the womanizing-stud type, as seen in such movies as The Wedding Crashers (2005) to more family roles. Let’s face it, post-Marley & Me (2008), Wilson sailed into the realm of the movie dad.
I mean, this comes as no surprise… Now that Wilson is over fifty, of course, he’s playing more father roles. That being said, what is surprising is how in real life Wilson does not want to be a soccer-dad or even a girl dad…
Remember him in Marley & Me?

Jennifer Aniston couldn’t have asked for a better partner, in that movie as Wilson proved he was total dad material.
So not a family man, then?

Even though Wilson has played many a role as the doting husband in real-life he has never been married.
So not the settling down type?

Although Wilson has had his fair share of love interests, the actor has never settled down. Wilson now has 3 children to 3 different women.
There’s nothing wrong with having children with multiple partners, so long as you still see each of them and support them as much as you can.

The strange thing with the Owen Wilson situation is that he does see his 2 sons. Robert Ford Wilson born in 2011, and Finn Lindqvist Wilson born in 2015… It’s just his daughter that he has no interest in having contact with.
Wilson was dating casually dating Varunie Vongsvirates for 5 years before they broke up.

When Varunie told Wilson she was pregnant he refused to believe the child was his. The court papers which were seen by RadarOnline revealed how horrendously Wilson treated his ex.
After Vongsvirates told Wilson about the pregnancy he denied he could be the father and changed his number.

Baby Lyla Aranya Wilson was born on September 10, 2018. Refusing to accept that he is Lyla’s father, Wilson paid nothing towards Varunie’s medical bills or diapers, baby clothes, bottles, crib, pram… nothing.
Wilson’s famous brothers have a different approach to fatherhood.

The oldest brother, Andrew Wilson is divorced but still makes every effort to see his son, Joseph Obliamiwe Wilson (pictured). The youngest Wilson brother, Luke is yet to have any kids but revealed in an interview this year that it is something he wants badly. His other comments were very revealing, as to Wilson’s situation…
In an interview with HollywoodLife given by Luke in January 2019, the actor acknowledges Wilson’s daughter.

Luke discussed becoming a dad and said: “I definitely want to start a family. I love my niece and my nephews. And I know how much my dad loved being a father, that was one of the things that made him the most happy, so yeah, I’m 47, I’m ready for that. I need to get to work.” So does Luke see his niece? From the court papers, we know Wilson doesn’t.
After Lyla was born, her mother made every attempt to contact Wilson and get him to come and see her.

He reacted by requesting a DNA test — which proved the baby was his, and meant Wilson needed to start paying child support…
His treatment of his baby momma so far has been pretty terrible… the thing is though, it gets worse.

Vongsvirates appears to have grown frustrated with Wilson constantly bagging father figure roles in the movies considering how absent he has chosen to be in his actual daughter’s life.
Fans can’t believe Wilson wants nothing to do with his daughter.

In the court papers, Vongsvirates filed for sole parental rights. Earlier papers revealed that Wilson had ticked the box requesting “none” under visitation rights. In his explanation, he wrote that he was “not certain if he is the parent.”
But despite now having had a DNA test that proves he is Lyla’s dad he is still not interested in seeing her.
Having lost her mom 2 years ago, Vongsvirates and her sister, Ali, are extremely close. The mom-of-one frequently babysits her sister’s kids. The fact that Lyla is yet to meet her half-siblings and other cousins is an unnecessary tragedy.

Vongsvirates spoke out publicly, via Daily Mail to try and get Wilson to meet his daughter and said: “You should see your daughter, she’s incredible, you’re really missing out. She looks just like you.”
Vongsvirates can’t believe that Wilson won’t even take the time to meet his daughter. She said: “Lyla needs a father. It’s ironic how [Owen] keeps getting these father roles, he’s playing a father in his new movie, and he’s never met his own daughter.”

Since the courts proved that Wilson is the baby daddy he has been ordered to pay $25,000 a month in child support and $70,000 as a one-off payment towards Vongsvirates’ labor expenses.
We’re totally shocked!

Perhaps now the court papers have been released and people are canceling him left, right and center maybe he’ll stand up and tell his side… or better yet, maybe he’ll just go and meet his daughter.