When there is news of a new Quentin Tarantino movie, the showbiz world comes to a complete standstill. He is one of the world’s most renowned directors and his work has truly gone down in history.
But this week, he offered some scathing words for the movie industry.

Scroll on to find out what he had to say…
Quentin Tarantino is one of a kind.

The fifty-nine-year-old is known for directing some of the most critically-acclaimed movies of all time.
He started young.

This was when he worked as an independent filmmaker and released Reservoir Dogs, which was later dubbed as the “greatest independent film of all time.”
His portfolio is epic.

It includes the likes of Pulp Fiction (1994), From Dusk till Dawn (1996), Inglourious Basterds (2009), and Django Unchained (2012).
But Kill Bill has to be one of his most famous pieces of work…

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) follows the life of a former assassin (The Bride), who is played by Uma Thurman after she wakes up from a 4-year-long coma.
She has a lot of unfinished business to deal with…

Thurman goes on to hunt down and assassinate the team of assassins who tried to kill her working under the boss (and her former lover) Bill, many years ago.
Kill Bill is considered a “revenge flick”…

And Tarantino made sure to involve many elements of Kung Fu films, Japanese martial arts, spaghetti westerns, and Italian horror — all of which inspired him when he wrote and directed the movie.
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 came a year later in 2004…

In the movie, Thurman’s character is still on the hunt for Bill, and she unveils many secrets about her past life along the way.
Both Kill Bill volumes received floods of praise…

And they are both 2 of the most timeless movies of all time.
Things have been quiet on the Kill Bill front…

Tarantino has gone on to release many more movies and screenplays, but there has been nothing that suggests an update on The Bride and her runaway daughter.
Until 2020…

It turns out that Tarantino and Thurman actually met up and had dinner.
And rumors of a new movie began to surface…

Speaking with Sirius XM Radio, Tarantino explained how a recent dinner with Thurman sparked his curiosity in what Kill Bill Vol. 3 would look like.
“Well, I just so happen to have had dinner with Uma Thurman last night,” he told radio host Andy Cohen.

“We were at a really cool Japanese restaurant. She was bragging about me, and I was bragging about her. It was a lovely night,” Tarantino said.
So how would they follow up from Kill Bill: Vol. 2?

Tarantino was pushed on what the plot would focus on considering that everyone on The Bride’s list was dead.
“Well, I do have an idea of what I would do.

“That was the whole thing, conquering that concept…exactly what’s happened to The Bride since [the last film], and what do I want to do [next],” he said.
He’s promised to make it very special.

“Because I wouldn’t want to just come up with some cockamamie adventure. She doesn’t deserve that!” Tarantino added.
The filmmaker has a lot on his plate at the moment.

He revealed that he will get to work on the potential project once he’s finished writing a limited TV show that he concocted before he came up with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
But this isn’t the first time that he has spoken of a Kill Bill reunion…

In 2019, he told Josh Horowitz on the Happy Sad Confused podcast: “Me and Uma have talked about it recently, frankly, to tell you the truth. I have thought about it a little further.”
Which is pretty exciting stuff!

“If any of my movies were going to spring from my other movies, it would be a third Kill Bill,” he said.
But this week, Tarantino has slammed the current movie era…

He offered some harsh words on his podcast, The Video Archives Podcast.
“Even though the ‘80s was the time that I probably saw more movies in my life than ever – at least as far as going out to the movies was concerned – I do feel that ‘80s cinema is, along with the ‘50s, the worst era in Hollywood history,” Tarantino began.

“Matched only by now, matched only by the current era!” he added.
Tarantino did defend certain movies “that don’t conform, the ones that stand out from the pack.”

“As far as I can see, the commercial product that is owned by the conglomerates, the projects everybody knows about and has in their DNA, whether it be the Marvel Comics, the Star Wars, Godzilla and James Bond, those films never had a better year.
“It would have been the year that their world domination would have been complete. But it kind of wasn’t,” he said.

What do you think of his comments?