Years after the final Twilight book was released, Stephenie Meyer has announced that there will be 2 more novels, plus an incredibly exciting twist, coming our way…
Twilight started out as a series of novels.

Written by the American author, Stephenie Meyer in 2008, the novel series has sold over 100 million copies worldwide.
And, in 2008, Summit Entertainment released their adaptation of the novels with the first movie, Twilight.

With Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson taking on the lead roles of Bella and Edward, Stephanie’s love story was not only brought to life — It was turned into a total phenomenon.
The world quickly became Twilight obsessed.

And it wasn’t difficult to see why…
Instead of portraying vampires as the typical blood-thirsty creatures that dwell in the darkness of gothic castles, she instead created a whole new league of vampires that we all quickly fell in love with.
But for a tie, things were all quiet on the Twilight front.

And, understandably, fans have been wondering over the years whether Meyer will be bringing anything else to the Twilight story.
As it stands, there are 4 Twilight books…

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn — plus the additional book Midnight Sun.
And in incredibly exciting news this week, Meyer has confirmed that there is even more Twilight coming our way.

Meyer confirmed to USA Today that there are 2 more books in the works.
“I have got them outlined and a chapter written I think of the first one, so I know it’s there. I am not ready to do that right now, I want to do something brand new,” she said.

“For me, a lot of the joy of writing comes from creating and I really want to do a new world and new rules and new mythology. Mythology is kind of my thing.”
It’s not yet confirmed whether these 2 novels will be connected to Midnight Sun.

Or whether they could possibly be from a whole new character’s perspective.
Either way, it seems as though we might have some time to wait to find out!

And we simply can’t wait!