The 10 Best Textbook Accessories for Keeping You on Track this School Year (2020)

We’re just a month into the school year, and if you’re a student you might be finding that you need something extra to keep you on track. That’s why we’ve found these amazing textbook accessories. They’re gorgeous, functional, and oh so helpful.

If you need help keeping up with your reading, taking notes, and making sure that you’re on track this school year, you need these accessories. They’re sure to give you the boost you need when it comes to academics this year. Whether it’s the perfect bookmark to find your spot, a reading light for some late-night studying, or another textbook extra, you’re sure to have the perfect school year with these accessories.

Editorial Note: We review everything independently. If you make a purchase through our links, we may earn a commission.

Never lose your place

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One of the most important things you need when you’re studying hard is a good bookmark. Losing your spot means wasted time and so much frustration. These rubber finger pointing bookmarks are amazing. They don’t slide out, they come in multiple colors, and you can even use them as a carrying strap for your book!


SO cute

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Sometimes you see an item and you think that it might be too cute to exist. This bookmark is one of those. Nessie will help you keep your spot in the book, and make you smile every time you see her. Plus the bookmark is thin enough that it doesn’t bulk up the book or damage the pages. Win/win.

Mark ALL the places

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If you’re in the midst of a textbook and you want to mark a passage to come back to later, this bookmark is perfect for you. It has five different ribbons so you can mark five important places in your book. This is particularly helpful when noting the citations you want to use in a paper or discussion points to bring to class.


The longest lasting bookmark

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One of my biggest issues with bookmarks was that I went through them so quickly. Now maybe I’m hard on my books, but flimsy paper just wasn’t enough for me. That’s why I love these metal feathers. They’re built to last so you’re not always searching for new bookmarks. On top of that, they’re so delicate and beautiful that you don’t feel like you’re settling for a workhorse.


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Magnetic bookmarks have always been one of my favorite styles. I’m the type of person who always has a book on them, so I’m toting books all over the place. Traditional bookmarks slip out or get lost. Magnetic bookmarks stay exactly where they’re supposed to. And this set is big enough that you can use them in all kinds of books at the same time.

Study anywhere

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But bookmarks aren’t the only textbook accessory you’re going to want. This neck reading light is also a great addition to your school set up. No matter where you are or what time of night, you’ll have good light on hand. That means you can study wherever and whenever without straining your eyes. My favorite use of this accessory is to study in bed.

Don’t forget the book covers

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If your high school is anything like mine, you’re issue textbooks at the beginning of the year and expected to keep them pristine for the next nine months. Book covers are a great solution to the dangers of a packed backpack. Just slip one of these covers on, and your book is protect from the minor wear and tear that comes from daily use. It’s much cheaper than shelling out for a new textbook when you spill your coffee on the textbook.

Save your hands

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Look I understand that I sound like a whiny baby, but my hands do get incredibly tired when I’m holding a book open for hours at a time, or trying to prop a big textbook open with one hand. That’s why I was delighted to discover this page holder. You can hold your book with one hand, and the page holder keeps it propped open just where you want it. Now you’ve got a free hand for that glass of wine.

Book light

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This book light clips easily on to a night stand or table to give you some extra illumination. If you’re like me, you carry your books all over the house trying to find the perfect cozy spot, and this lamp can go with you. It’s small so it doesn’t get in the way, but powerful enough to really make a difference when you’re trying to focus.

Save your back and neck

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Last, but absolutely not least is this amazing book stand. One of the challenges of studying for hours on end is the way it can leave you hunched over your books. It might not seem like much, but over time it can really get to your spine. This book stand lets you clip a book into place and raises it up so that you’re not crunching up to read or highlight your text. Trust me, when you’re thirty your back will thank you.