Every now and then you encounter a purchase which causes you to do a little more research than normal. A car, for example. A new pair of glasses. Life accessories that carry implications about who you are and how your personal style illustrates your worldview. Everyday backpacks fall under this category.
A backpack is more than simply a bag with which to carry your belongings. It is an extension of your back. A pouch, if you will, much like a Kangaroo’s. Backpacks for school, backpacks for work, backpacks for your laptop, and backpacks for travel. Each one becomes a part of you, an extension of your body, so it makes sense that you’d want to be extra discerning when pulling the trigger to buy one.
Go ahead and browse this ultimate top-10 list of the best everyday backpacks for daily use! Whether you need something to carry your computer and notebook during the day or something more extravagant for long-term usage, this compilation of the best backpacks on the market has you covered!