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The Most Satisfying Pore-Extracting Gadget We’ve Ever Seen

Holy guacamole you will never believe the wild and wacky things they sell on the internet these days. We all know there’s a large continent of people out there who are a little too into the gross out factor. But now there’s a whole dang WEBSITE dedicated to it? Oh yeah, we’ve uncovered a site called Dose of Gross, and get ready for it: the whole purpose is to sell you gross (and satisfying) beauty products. Yeah, the whole point is the peeling skin and the nasty pores and the dirty earwax. Ick.

But…it is kind of satisfying we’ve got to admit. In fact, one of their products is just a little too intriguing not to look at. If you’re easily grossed out, you may not want to keep reading, but if you’ve got a soft spot for popping pimples, then this one’s for you. That’s because we’re about to get down and dirty with a new pimple management tool: a vacuum for blackheads.

Editorial Note: We review everything independently. If you make a purchase through our links, we may earn a commission.

Blackheads are Gross

This is a basic fact of life. Most of us prefer to try to ignore them or hide them, but for those of us who are just a little bit gross, there’s something kind of mesmerizing about a good blackhead. But the most satisfying thing of all is popping one. I see you out there, my fellow pimple poppers watching videos of truly amazing zits. But let me tell you: there’s a better way.


Satisfying AND Good for Your Skin

Of course the problem with the absolute joy that is a good pimple pop is that it’s actually awful for your skin. That’s why Dose of Gross is the perfect blend of beauty and disgusting. You get the ultimate satisfaction of seeing the nasty gunk that comes out of your skin, but you don’t damage your skin the way popping a pimple does.

Just Suck It Up

Here’s the dirty little secret: this tiny pore vacuum from Dose of Gross gives you all the disgusting satisfaction of your pimple popping habits, but it actually improves your skin. Plus you can look at all the goop that just came out of your face afterwards. I know you want to.


Who Knew That “Gross” Was a Marketing Tactic?

I certainly never would have guessed that “this is super gross” would be a powerful marketing tactic but I’ve got to say…it has me intrigued. I may have to buy one of these gadgets for myself.