Famously known as ‘Al Borland and Tim Taylor’, Richard Darn and Tim Allen, are all set to grace our screens with a brand new series.
The new series on the History channel will highlight the glory of power tools…
The classic sitcom stars are reuniting with their series called More Power – which starts on June 29.
Richard Darn expressed his excitement saying: “My friendship with Tim has lasted over 30 years… in a row! The chance to do a show like Tool Time was unquestionably exciting. We may not have Binford but we still will have a world of fun!”
Tim has famously lent his voice as Buzz Lightyear…
As well as voicing the character of Buzz in four feature films – Buzz Lightyear has become a phenomenon among Disney lovers and it’s all thanks to Tim.
With Richard appearing on several shows including Home Improvements alongside Tim – which garnered a hefty response from viewers.
Allen and Karn will explore the most ‘coolest, powerful and iconic’ examples of tools…
According to reports, the pair will use real-life operators of machines used as tools in everyday life – inviting toolmakers to modify familiar objects in ‘mind-blowing’ ways.
Tim said he’s excited to get to know more about ‘the people and things that make us what we are today.’ Adding: “And what better pal to have at my side than Richard Karn?”
They will be joined by woodworking YouTube star April Wilkerson…
Tim and Richard will be joined by April Wilkerson, who has also co-hosted their previous reality competition ‘Assembly Required’ in 2021 – giving tasks to contestants with certain contraptions.
More Power is already a hit among viewers…
According to the latest reports, after watching the trailer, the new show has viewers eager to catch the first episode as soon as it airs.