I have 4 kids and I’m always trying to get them off their iPads (dreaming about one day becoming a successful YouTuber) and back into the real world. We need to encourage our kids to use their imaginations!
These are the 20 top-selling toys on Amazon that will get your kids back to that beautiful stage of creativity, wonder, and fun. There is something on this list for every kid.
High Flying Outdoor Fun

Kids love planes! If they can fly it themselves, even better. This toy plane and launcher is right up the alley of any kid that loves Hot Wheels, remote control cars, or the kid you have no idea what to get. With a 100% five-star rating, you can’t go wrong! It’s actually really cool to watch at night with the LED lights.
The Ultimate Travel Plane

Choosing which toy to take on the road is the decision all kids dread. If it were up to them they would take the entire toy box! This all-in-one plane toy is amazing as it can carry cars and a helicopter inside. Making it the easy choice to imagine their Fast and Furious Fantasy.
The Jurassic Dream

My son is obsessed with Jurassic World! As a two-year-old, he knew the scientific names of most of the dinosaurs. Not the nicknames, but the legit names. However, I don’t know if you’ve seen the price of the Jurassic toys but it’s ridiculous. Enter this extremely affordable Dino Park Mat with a bucket of dinosaurs. Now he can have all the dinosaurs and I can still pay the bills.
Interactive Dino Builders

If your kids need a little more than just some dino figurines to play with, I get it. I found these Dinosaur Builder Kits that allow them to build their own dinosaurs out of different parts. It even comes with a cute little toy drill. It will definitely keep them busy long enough to get a couple of loads of laundry in. My daughter put one together and couldn’t stop laughing because she knew how funny it looked. So much fun.
Fidget-it Spinner On Steroids

You remember a couple of years ago it seems every kid on every corner had a fidget-it spinner. They made Marvel ones, Disney ones, fancy gold and silver ones. This flying spinner is like those but more powerful. Not only does it spin and light up, it actually flies. It’s pretty awesome. It’s also a sneaky way for the kids to be active because they can’t help but chase after it.
Gravity Maze

Do you ever get sucked into those phone app games you see trolling your Instagram and TikTok feed? You know, the ones where you have to guess which glass is going to fill up first. Or where the ball is going to end up? This is a physical and customizable version of that! The gravity maze lets you design and create your own oddly satisfying game. Perfect for sitting at the table waiting for breakfast or just hanging out after dinner. You can also use it to slide in some math for the younger ones.
The Greatest Kids Game Ever

Okay, I know this might not technically be a “toy”. I’m listing it anyway. Uno is the game my kids will throw down their tablets to play and never want to stop. Add in their favorite characters, like this Dinosaur one, and it’s even better! They also have the new Buzz Lightyear and many other themes that catch kids’ eye and make them wonder what’s going on here! If you and your kids have never played, I promise you won’t regret it!
Baby GAGA Microphone

Let their inner American Idol out! This is the Rolls Royce of kids’ karaoke microphones. Unlike the microphones that we’re used to. The ones that have the same 3 annoying songs that repeat us to death. This one can play and record any song from your phone! Using Spotify, Apple music, or anywhere you get your tracks. The only problem you’ll have is giving it back to your kids.
The Original Minecraft

This Lego set might be Minecraft-themed, but we all know Lego was the first real Minecraft. If I have to buy a theme to get my kids into building real things then I will get this Minecraft-themed Lego set. A dad’s got to do what a dad’s got to do. I love watching my son do the very thing I remember doing as a kid. We build the kits together, he loves it because it’s his favorite game, I love it because I get to bond and talk to my kid!
Still A BEST Seller, The Lite Bright

We all grew up with lite bright! So it really surprised me to learn all these years later it’s still a best seller on Amazon! I guess we just can’t get over glow-in-the-dark customizable art! With almost 30,000 five-star reviews of this model, and it being under $20, how can you lose?
The Hot Wheels Track I Wish I Had

This Magic Track is awesome! It’s not just glow-in-the-dark. That can fade. This has LED lights. Allowing for bright beautiful colors. My daughter can’t turn the lights off fast enough when we finish building a new track. I love seeing her little brain go when the cars fly off the track. She digs in and figures out how to change the track to keep the cars going. What parent doesn’t love that!?
The Classic Music Mat

Every time I see a Music Mat I think about that movie BIG. That scene where Tom Hanks is in that toy store in New York, and he starts dancing on the floor piano and the owner of the store joins in. I love that movie. So I love music mats. Seeing my 4-year-old daughter dance on it and laugh as I try to beat her to the keys. It is always so much fun!
A Pogo Stick That Doesn’t Make You Fear For Their Life

I have never been a huge fan of pogo sticks. If anything goes wrong it’s going to be a bad day. I did come across this foam pogo jumper though. Instead of a crazy high jump, it’s close to the ground and the elastic band limits the height. Looks fun without the fear of going to the ER.
For The Pop It Obsessed

Both my daughters are obsessed with Pop It anything. They have the boards, spinners, and now the purses. They are so obsessed with this purse that they cried when they realized they left it at the park. We went back to look for it and it was gone. More crying. You probably already guessed what I did, I bought 2 more.
Rocket Launcher For Those Who Hate Cleaning Up Coke & Mentos

I’m all for science experiments. I really am, but I’m so sick of coke and mentos bottle experiments. It gets everywhere and when it dries it makes everything sticky. This Rocket Launcher might not have all the chemical explosions, but it also doesn’t get everywhere. And the kids love seeing who can stomp the airbag the hardest and make the rocket go the highest. A little healthy kid’s competition can be a good thing if they are outside playing.
Stem Robot For Your Little Scientist

My son loves to build STEM kits. We have a subscription to one and this one is his favorite. It kinda reminds me of Wall-E. Did you ever see that movie with your kids? It’s a great movie! Anyway, you can make all kinds of different robots with the same kit. I would recommend getting a few though. Once your kid builds a robot that works they won’t want to take it apart. So having a few they can build and not have to destroy their hard work might be the better option.
Not So Ninja Turtles

These cute little water turtles are the reason I can never get my 4 year old out of the bathtub! It’s becoming a problem. I won’t get rid of them though, she would be very upset with me. They are so much fun in the pool or hot tub as well. Squeeze them then put them in the water and they take off! Money well spent.
What The Heck Is A Terrarium?

I had no idea what a terrarium was until recently. It is a miniature garden within a container that simulates a natural environment. It’s essentially another STEM project. They get to build their own habitat. It includes real plants that grow during the day, then at night, the container has rechargeable LED lights making it pretty cool to look at in the dark.
The Off-Brand Transformer

I know, it’s a copycat toy. In my defense have you seen the price of the Hasbro Transformers? INSANE! This Transforming Robot RC Car is under $20 and has a button that transforms it from a robot to a car! The old Transformers you have to figure out how to do it by hand and hope you didn’t break it. Even if it isn’t the Hasbro brand this toy is awesome and cheap!
Drawing Time Without Crayons On The Wall

I love that my kids like to draw. Does it have to get on the wall though? It never fails. They get bored and start drawing on things they shouldn’t. Well, here’s the solution. This writing tablet may look like it’s trying to rip off the iPad, but all it does is allow writing and drawing without damaging your walls. Do you remember that magic paper? The black ones that no matter what you drew the colors always came out cool because the color was underneath. This tablet is exactly like that. I secretly love handing them these when they ask for their tablets. The look on their face gets me every time.