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Woman Who ‘Died And Spent Three Days In Heaven’ Shares Chilling Discovery She Made About Future

A woman who claims she ‘died and spent three days in heaven’ has revealed a chilling prophecy about humanity’s future.**


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Julie Poole, a self-proclaimed spiritual master, has dedicated her life to helping others with her mystical teachings.**


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But her path to enlightenment wasn’t an easy one.**


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 From a young age, Poole endured horrific physical, mental, sexual, and emotional abuse.**

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These traumatic experiences, she says, initially shattered her, but eventually drew her closer to spirituality.**

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Now a renowned spiritual and personal empowerment coach, Poole has always been open about her tumultuous past.**

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She frequently documents her journey, offering insight into her spiritual growth.**

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 However, it was a near-death experience in her twenties that truly transformed her life.**

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Poole recounted her harrowing ordeal, which began with an attempted suicide.**

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Desperate and hopeless, she overdosed on medication, seeking an escape from her pain.**

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Instead of finding darkness, Poole claims she was transported to a heavenly ‘spirit realm.’**

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There, she encountered a vision that would change her forever.**

“I suddenly saw my guides and my angels around me,” Poole shared. “They lifted me up and took me to the Higher Realms. I remember saying, ‘I’m going home,’ but they told me, ‘No, you’re not, it’s not your time.’”**

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These celestial beings allegedly chastised her: “We did warn you it would be too hard and too overwhelming, and now here you are at 21 trying to check out.”**

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 Poole said she returned to her earthly body three days later, but the words of the otherworldly entities stayed with her.**

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They foretold that between 2012 and 2032, mankind would enter a new ‘Golden Age.’**

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 Intrigued? You should be. But let’s rewind to understand the journey that led her to this revelation.**

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Julie Poole was born into a life of unimaginable hardship.**

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Her early years were marked by relentless abuse that left deep scars.**

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The pain and suffering she endured could have easily broken her spirit.**

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Instead, it ignited a quest for spiritual understanding and personal empowerment.**

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Poole turned to spirituality as a means to heal and find purpose.**

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Over time, she honed her abilities and began sharing her insights with others.**

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Her experiences, both harrowing and enlightening, have been the cornerstone of her career.**

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 Poole’s teachings resonate with many, offering hope and guidance to those in need.**

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But it was her brush with death that cemented her role as a spiritual guide.**

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The visions she received during her near-death experience were profound and unsettling.**

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According to Poole, these visions revealed a future where humanity would undergo a dramatic transformation.**

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“The Golden Age,” she explained, “is a time when the power, abuse, and control that have dominated for millennia will be dismantled.”**

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She believes that this period will usher in an era of equality and truth.**

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“All that is false, fake, and corrupt will fall away,” Poole stated confidently.**

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As we inch closer to 2032, Poole is adamant that we’re nearing a day of reckoning.**

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“It’s not about Armageddon,” she clarified.**

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“It’s about the corrupt being exposed and removed, making way for those with pure hearts and intentions.”**

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Her message is both a warning and a beacon of hope.**

Poole’s extraordinary story has captivated many, drawing attention to her predictions about humanity’s future.**

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Whether you believe in her visions or not, it’s hard to ignore the impact her experiences have had on her life and teachings.**

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She continues to inspire and guide others, using her painful past and spiritual insights to foster growth and healing.**

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Poole’s journey from a life of abuse to becoming a beacon of spiritual enlightenment is nothing short of miraculous.**

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Her near-death experience and subsequent revelations offer a fascinating glimpse into what she believes is the future of humanity.**

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 As we navigate these turbulent times, Poole’s words serve as a reminder of the potential for profound change and the power of the human spirit.**

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Julie Poole’s story is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of spirituality.**

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Her visions of a ‘Golden Age’ challenge us to rethink our understanding of power, control, and the future.**

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 Whether her predictions come true or not, her message of hope and equality resonates deeply in a world craving change.**

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As Poole continues to share her story, one thing is clear: she believes in a brighter, more just future for us all.**