Working from home used to be something that only a lucky few could do, but these days we’re all doing it. With most of us in some level of quarantine, we’re all trying to figure out the best way to make our house into an office, or some semblance of one.
And with that home office, many of us have gained some interesting new coworkers. You know the ones I mean. The furry kind. They may be noisy, distracting and shed everywhere, but they make the days go by faster. Personally, the fact that I can have my cat on my lap during a conference call is a major win. So why not give them their own toys, tools, and goodies to entertain them while you’re at home together? Don’t worry, we’ve done all the hard work for you and gathered the essential items to make sure your pet is as happy as you are while you work from home.
It’s important to start with the basics.

Every pet loves food, and when you’re home they think you are the source of all food. That means when you work from home you get 24/7 begging.
Solve that problem by making something else the giver of food: an automatic feeder. You don’t have to get up to feed the animals, plus the animals don’t bug you for their next meal.
You can pair that with a water dish too.

You never want your pet to get dehydrated, but it’s also so easy to forget to refill their water. Then, when you walk in and see an empty water bowl, you feel terrible. Never feel that guilt again. Set it and forget it with an automatic water dish that gives your pet fresh water all day long. No matter how many things they try to drop in it.
You can even go high-tech.

Here’s the truth: one of my cats is very fat. She does not get to eat with her brothers because she will steal their food. If you’re sick of trying to separate your animals during feeding time, try out this microchip feeder: it will only open for the animal you tell it to. It’s like magic (or technology, but basically the same thing).
There are all kinds of feeders that can help you work from home.

This one gives your pet some mental stimulation (and keeping them entertained is truly a challenge) while also slowing down the fast eaters out there. Here’s some radical honesty: this kind of feeder has saved me a lot of time in not cleaning up vomit.
What goes in must come out.

If you’re a cat owner, dirty and stinky litterboxes can make working from home an awful, smelly experience. And there are few things are as unfun and buzz-killing as scooping litter boxes. But we live in some kind of magical future age and there are now automatic litterboxes that clean themselves. Get yourself one. Thank me later.
That litterbox might need some accessories.

Cats have a remarkable ability to pick up boatloads of litter and throw it everywhere. They delight in it. They laugh as we step on it. It’s almost as bad as stepping on Legos. Curb their cruel plans with an anti-tracking carpet, so you’re not spending your days sweeping up litter and instead can use them doing work.
With basic needs out of the way, let’s have some fun.

If you’re at home, your pet knows, deep in their bones that your role is to keep them entertained. If you’re on the computer your cat is 100% going to be sitting on the keyboard. Or directly in front of the screen. Or right behind your office chair so you can’t scoot back. If you’re in a meeting, your dog will be munching on their squeaky toy. Interactive toys can help distract the animals so you’re free to work. An automatic laser pointer is a perfect choice.
Dogs can get in on the automatic fun too.

They may not chase a laser, but they will definitely chase a ball. With this automatic launcher you don’t even have to throw it, you can just set them up in the back yard and know they’re happy for at least an hour.
Cats love to murder. In Here

This is a fact. Give them something appropriate to kill with this interactive feather toy. They can chase and chew and jump and attack, just like they’d normally do to your toesies while you work.
Low tech toys can work too.

Sometimes it’s the simplest things that work the best. A basic ball track is a way to give your cat independent fun. Over there. Away from you.
Let’s not forget the pooches out there.

They’ve got some fun puzzle games too. Yes, I said puzzle games. These toys have food inside, but the dog has to figure out how to get to it. It’s a great outlet for curiosity. The kind of curiosity that otherwise might be used to get into the garbage while you’re not paying attention.
You could try this slow-burner toy.

It’s a simple ball but so much more. Your pet gets fed, but they also get endless entertainment as they whack the ball to get the food to come out. This one is perfect if you’re about to enter an important call and need them to just leave you the heck alone for five minutes.
There’s even a version for cats.

And for anyone who says that cats don’t get in the way during conference calls, let me just submit that all of my coworkers now know all three of my cats by name and appearance. Mostly the appearance of their butts. Get this toy.
If nothing else works, turn to drugs.

Haha, just kidding but not really. Catnip is magical and it should be used like the lifesaver it is. Yeowww! brand catnip toys have a little something special in them: my cats have continued to go cross-eyed and goofy over them for years after purchase, which is much more potent than any other nip I’ve ever witnessed.
Save the furniture.

Chances are if you’re setting up a home office you’re investing in some relatively nice furniture. The last thing you want is claw marks all over it. Make sure your cats have ample opportunity to exercise their claws somewhere that isn’t the couch. Wave scratchers are popular with many cats. And with couches.
If all else fails, send them outside.

Let’s say you’ve tried everything to get a few minutes of focus without your furbabies sticking their nose in everything. Just kick them out of the house. No, not like that. Get them a pet door so that they can head into the backyard and get some fresh air without you.
Once the work day’s over you may want a way to pamper your pet.

Keeping your sweetie well-groomed, healthy, and happy is an essential part of feeling comfortable. Especially while we’re all hyper-aware of our health during the pandemic, it’s good to think about Fido’s health too. There are few things more relaxing for both of you than a nice grooming session after work, so make sure you have the right implement (like this self-cleaning brush).
Playtime is an essential part of pet health.

A kong is a classic and fairly indestructible toy that keeps your dog active, an incredibly important element of making sure they live a long and happy life.
There are all kinds of things to think about when keeping your cat healthy. In Here

Ticks and fleas carry diseases and leave your little furkid miserable. They can even get something scary called flea anemia. Make sure you’ve chosen a flea treatment and prevention plan that will keep your animal healthy.
Even indoor cats can get fleas if you live on the ground floor and leave your windows open. Gross, I know, but someone had to tell you.
But if something does go wrong…

Have medicine on hand, like this ear treatment. If we’ve learned anything from this current moment in time, it’s that it’s better to have meds on hand in advance than needing them and not being able to get them.
Keep their immune system up with vitamins!

Just like people, your pets need vitamins to stay healthy. Make sure they get all that they need with a multivitamin.
Dental health is huge.

Lots of us tend to underestimate the importance of dental health, but bad teeth and gums can have significant impacts beyond the mouth. Keep their little chompers happy with dental chews: it’s much easier than brushing.
These days the only time we leave the house are to take the dog for a walk.

But it is SO important to make sure you’re not bringing any contamination back home with you. If your pup is getting into all kinds of trouble on their walk, these cute ‘lil booties can help you keep them from exposing you to any germs. Pop off the booties and throw them in the wash when you get home!
You’ll also want to make sure their paws are well groomed.

Overgrown nails are just uncomfortable, and no one wants that. Plus it can lead your cats to start scratching places you don’t want (which is not conducive to being productive). Get a good nail clipper to keep everything trimmed up.
If you’re a cat person it could be time to start walking.

Now sure, most people think that taking cats on walks is impossible, but they need exercise too (and they’re probably getting sick of being cooped up with you). Try out a new harness and see if your feline friend likes the great outdoors.
Don’t forget a leash while you’re at it.

Just make sure it’s short enough that you can keep your pet a proper distance from anyone else who’s out and about.
Just as important as going out is staying in.

Being at home with an animal can feel like an exercise in no boundaries. But if you’re working from home and you need to make sure your pet stays out of the room, a pet gate is a great way to create clear spaces.
Make them want to be somewhere else.

Maybe you can just tempt them into going somewhere else by making another spot seem more appealing. Cats absolutely love watching what’s happening outside the window, so give them a nice perch where they can see it all.
They can stare out the window and pretend like they’re in a music video.
Go big or go home.

Maybe that little window seat isn’t quite enough for you. Take it to the next level with an impressive cat tree that will keep multiple felines purring.
Your coworker needs some professional work attire.

Just in case your pet does make it on to a Zoom call, it’s important that they look the part. Make sure they keep up with office standards by dressing them in a dapper bowtie.